Dynamic Typography, a project that generates animated text, is born

A project called ' Dynamic Typography ,' which generates moving letter logos based on prompts, has been released by researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Tel Aviv University.

🪄 Animate your word!


The generated character logo looks like this.

Below is a character created from the prompt, 'A couple is walking hand in hand, with the girl walking behind the boy.'

'Two people kissing, one holds the other's chin with his hand'

'Two soldiers firing'

'Camels roaming the desert'

'Point the hand holding the telescope towards the camera'

'A knight with his sword drawn and pointing forward, preparing for battle'

'A butterfly flies sideways and flaps its wings'

'A dangerous monster has opened its mouth and is about to devour someone.'

'Text animations evoke emotions, emphasize meaning, and build compelling narratives. By imbuing words with movement, they serve as a medium of expression that transforms static communication into a dynamic experience,' said Liu Zhicheng and others from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 'Dynamic Typography infuses characters with lifelike movement based on user prompts, and demonstrates the effectiveness of our framework in generating coherent text animations that faithfully interpret user prompts.'

The how-to for generating characters is posted on GitHub, so if you are interested, please give it a try. Linux is recommended as the execution environment.

GitHub - zliucz/animate-your-word: Official implementations for paper: Dynamic Typography: Bringing Text to Life via Video Diffusion Prior

in Software,   Video,   Design, Posted by log1p_kr