Cloudflare has lava lights and double pendulums in its office to hedge the risk of random number generation

What is important in encryption is the generation of randomness. At

Cloudflare , we basically generate random numbers using Linux, but we have installed a 'lava light' and a 'double pendulum' in our office as random number generators that can be used in case there is a problem. .

Harnessing chaos in the Cloudflare office

Randomness 101: LavaRand in Production

The Hardest Working Office Design In America Encrypts Your Data–With Lava Lamps

Cloudflare's San Francisco office has a facility called LavaRand , which is made up of multiple lava lights. Lavalight is a lighting device that contains floating substances such as colored water and oil in a container, and the heat from the lighting causes convection that causes irregular movement.

'LavaRand' is a mechanism that provides unpredictable randomness to CSPRNG (pseudo random number generator) by capturing the movement of a large number of lava lights lined up on a wall with a camera.

Actually, 'LavaRand' is not original to Cloudflare, but was developed by computer manufacturer Silicon Graphics. A patent was obtained under the name ``Method of feeding a pseudo-random number generator with a cryptographic hash digitized using a chaotic system,'' but it has already expired.

In addition, the London office has a similar mechanism using a double pendulum instead of 'LavaRand'. This double pendulum was once exhibited at the Science Museum in London, where you can get a glimpse of its movement.

in Web Service,   Hardware, Posted by logc_nt