A movie that embeds the shadow animation of 'Bad Apple!!' into the font has appeared

A derivative movie '
BadAppleFont :: Oxidizing corner
I embedded Bad Apple into a font using Harfbuzz' new wasm shaping engine. #BadApple #touhou #harfbuzz #wasm #rustlang pic.twitter.com/BFBJqpgL1w
— Erk (@valdemarerk) July 22, 2023
Bad Apple embedded into a font - YouTube
Mr. Elk said, ``A friend of mine told me on the online bulletin board site Reddit that he was trying to recreate the Bad Apple!! animation, and he said, ``Maybe it's possible to embed Bad Apple!! into a font.'' ”, he said.
In order to embed the Bad Apple!! animation into the font, Mr. Elk used a feature added in July 2023 to a text layout engine tool called HarfBuzz that allows you to use WebAssembly for text shaping rules. did.
As a first step in embedding the animation into the font, Elk captured every frame in the animation in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. By converting the frame to an SVG file, it will be possible to place it in the font.
Next, Mr. Elk created a script that changed the name of each frame to the Unicode character of his choice in order to incorporate the frames into the font. I imported the SVG file into the font while referring to various sites .
Mr. Elk also created code to move the embedded SVG file and shaped it. Also, since the original '[Touhou] Bad Apple!! PV [Shadow Picture]' is a 30fps video, Mr. Elk used
As a result of recording using the image editing software GIMP and the recording software OBS, the Bad Apple!! video embedded in the font was created. According to Mr. Elk, it is based on a font called ' Pfennig '.

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