Here's how to find out if the email addresses of about 15.11 million Trello users are leaked or if your email address is included.

Data of 15,115,516 Trello users was put up for sale on a forum where hackers gather. The person who leaked the data claims it includes emails and usernames. You can tell whether your data has actually been leaked by asking 'Have I been pwned?'
Have I Been Pwned: Pwned websites
Trello Data Breach: 15 Mn User Records Allegedly On Sale
Trello Allegedly Breached: Database of 15,115,516 User Records Up for Sale
— HackManac (@H4ckManac) January 17, 2024
The cybercriminal, who goes by the name 'emo,' claims that the database includes data such as emails, usernames, full names, and other account information. #databreach #CTI #DarkWeb
Trello is a task management app developed by software company Atlassian .
``Trello'' allows you to manage to-do lists, memo pads, and tasks for multiple people as if you were organizing cards - GIGAZINE

In January 2024, data was leaked from Trello and put up for sale on hacking forums. The person who leaked the data goes by the name 'emo' and claims the data includes users' emails, usernames, full names, and other account information.
When the foreign media Cyber Express asked Atlassian for comment, Atlassian said that while it is aware of the attacker's claim of a data breach, there is no evidence that data was leaked due to unauthorized access. It is said that there is.
You can check whether data has actually been leaked by checking 'Have I been pwned?' Have I been pwned? is a site where you can check email addresses that have been compromised, and receives data from the FBI and law enforcement agencies around the world.
``Have I been pwned?'' that lets you search with your email address or ID name to see if you were hacked and included in a past leak list - GIGAZINE

by Automobile Italia
To check, visit Have I been pwned? from this link , enter your email address in the input field, and click 'pwned?'.
It is unclear how more than 15 million pieces of data were leaked. It has been pointed out that the email address that was leaked through some route may have been used and obtained through the endpoint.
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in Security, Posted by log1p_kr