What is the true identity of the illustration starting with 'Y' drawn on children's balls?

Many people have seen toys for young children's education that have pictures of words starting with 'A' such as 'Apple'. On the technology Internet bulletin board Stack Exchange, a user named ``

gmauch '' attempted to unravel the identity of an illustration drawn with the letter ``Y'' on a ball given to his child.

Which word begins with 'y' and looks like an ax in this picture? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

The ball held by Mr. gmauch's child is below. This ball, which was purchased at a store called ``Lojas França'' in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil, has the letter ``Y'' and an illustration that looks like an ax drawn on it.

However, the English word for 'ono' is 'axe', so it is inappropriate as an illustration to accompany the letter 'Y'. Mr. gmauch also looked up synonyms for axes, such as hatchet and tomahawk, but could not find any that started with Y. So gmauch tried to identify this illustration with the help of Stack Exchange users.

In response to gmauch's question,

Dan Bron , who has done a lot of research, said that since the word for 'axe' in Swedish is 'Yxe,' he said, 'The ball manufacturer mixed the Swedish word. I'm guessing it's possible.'

In addition, Mr. gmauch thought that the word starting with 'U' was ' U -boat', which is a German submarine, but 'A' is 'Apple', 'B' is 'Bear', etc. , since it is a common noun, Bron guesses that 'U' is not 'U-bort'. As a result of Mr. Bron's research, it became clear that the word for 'submarine' in Swedish is 'ubåt'.

Furthermore, Bron found out that this ball was sold by a brand called ``Hedstrom'' by a company called ``Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc.''. 'Do you know that it is mixed in?' I asked. However, the response from Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc. was, ``Our official ball has an illustration of ``yo-yo'' (yo-yo) for the letter ``Y.'' It turned out that the ball Mr. gmauch was holding was an imitation made by Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc., and not one sold by Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc.

As a result of further investigation by Mr. Bron, it turned out that this ball was sold on Alibaba , a Chinese mail order site. Furthermore, it was revealed that this ball was sold by a manufacturer called ' Shanghai Jianhui Sports Goods Co., Ltd. ' Shanghai Jianhui Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. mainly manufactures products for the Eastern and Western European markets.

Bron's final guess is that Shanghai Jianhui Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. accidentally mixed in an illustration based on the Swedish word 'Yxe' when manufacturing counterfeit Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc. products. It is said that it has happened.

After that, various predictions were made, such as that this 'Y' may represent 'Yellow' or that it may be the upper part of a spray can that sprays yellow paint.

However, by typing 'axe head' into Google search, thedrake discovered an illustration of an ax that appears to have been used by a designer at Shanghai Jianhui Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. as an illustration of a ball. Mr. thedrake's discovery confirms that the word starting with 'Y' in this ball is 'Yxe'.

While the ball mystery has been solved, some users have asked, ``Why did a Chinese designer change the illustration even though Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc.'s ball has a picture of a yo-yo representing the letter Y?'' Has it been changed? The mystery still remains.'

in Design, Posted by log1r_ut