Research shows people who eat vegetarian or plant-based diets have a lower risk of developing the new coronavirus

In May 2023, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

was classified as a Type 5 infectious disease , the same as seasonal influenza. If possible, I would like to avoid this because it is no different from the above. A new study has reported that ``People who eat a vegetarian or plant-based diet have a lower risk of developing COVID-19.''

Vegetarian and plant-based diets associated with lower incidence of COVID-19 | BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health

Predominantly plant-based or vegetarian diet | EurekAlert!

Study Finds One Kind of Diet Linked to Reduced COVID-19 Infection Risk : ScienceAlert

As large numbers of people around the world continue to develop COVID-19, researchers continue to learn more about the factors that increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. A research team at the University of São Paulo in Brazil investigated the impact of diet on the incidence and severity of COVID-19 in 702 adult volunteers recruited between March and July 2022.

Participants answered questions about their daily dietary patterns, food groups consumed, lifestyle and medical history, including COVID-19 vaccinations. Of the subjects, 424 were classified as the ``omnivorous group'' who also ate a lot of meat, and the remaining 278 were classified into the ``vegetable group'' who did not eat much meat.

Participants in the plant-based group ate more vegetables, legumes, and nuts on a daily basis, and less dairy and meat. Of these, 87 were flexitarians/semi-vegetarians who ate meat less than three times a week, and 191 were vegetarians or vegans. Although there were no significant differences in gender, age, or vaccination rates between the omnivorous group and the plant-based group, there were far more people in the plant-based group who had completed graduate school.

330 people, or 47% of all participants, said they had been diagnosed with COVID-19, with 224 (31.9%) experiencing mild symptoms and 106 (15.1%) experiencing moderate to severe symptoms. .

The proportion of people who developed COVID-19 differed between the omnivorous and vegetative groups, with the incidence rate in the omnivorous group being 51.6%, while the incidence rate in the vegetative group was only 39.9%. There was also a wide difference in the proportion of people who developed moderate to severe symptoms, with 17.7% in the omnivorous group and 11.2% in the vegetative group. There was no difference in the duration of symptoms between the omnivorous and vegetative groups.

People in the omnivore group have been reported to be less physically active, have pre-existing medical conditions, and are more likely to be obese, so these differences may be linked to our results. The benefits of a plant-based diet, such as

improved heart health and lower blood pressure , may also help boost the body's immune system and reduce the risk of infections.

The research team says, ``Plant-based diets are rich in antioxidants , phytosterols, and polyphenols , which have a positive effect on several cells involved in immune function and directly 'It exhibits strong antiviral effects.'

This study only investigated correlations, and cannot prove a causal relationship such as ``a plant-based diet reduces the risk of developing COVID-19.'' However, it does suggest that avoiding meat and animal products may provide protection against the virus.

The research team said, ``Our study provides evidence that people on plant-based diets, especially vegetarians, have lower rates of COVID-19, even after accounting for important variables such as physical activity, body mass index, and pre-existing medical conditions.'' ” he said.

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1h_ik