23andMe, a genetic testing tool that was hacked, suddenly updates its terms of service, prohibiting customers from filing class action lawsuits

23andMe, a genetic testing tool, was hacked and the genetic data and profile information of approximately 6.9 million customers were

leaked . 23andMe has announced that customers who were hacked may file a class action lawsuit against 23andMe. We have changed our terms of service so that this is no longer possible.

Legal - Terms of Service - 23andMe International

23andMe frantically changed its terms of service to prevent hacked customers from suing


23andMe, which was hacked by a credential stuffing attack in October 2023, did not initially disclose the size or details of the customers affected. However, in response to inquiries from overseas media, 23andMe revealed that it has data on approximately 5.5 million customers who have enabled ' DNA Relatives ,' a feature that matches customers with the same genetic makeup, and data on 1.4 million customers. He admitted that his family tree profile had been accessed without authorization.

According to 23andMe, the data stolen in the hacking attack included information such as customers' names, dates of birth, relationship labels, percentage of DNA shared with relatives, reported ancestry, and self-reported location. It is said to be included.

Genetic testing tool 23andMe has genetic data of 6.9 million people stolen by hacking - GIGAZINE

A few days after it was revealed that a total of 6.9 million customers' data had been hacked, 23andMe suddenly updated its terms of service. The new terms of service now read: 'You and we agree that each party may bring litigation against the other party only in its individual capacity and not as a class action or class arbitration.' . In other words, customers are completely prohibited from filing a class action lawsuit against 23andMe.

Axios, a foreign media outlet, said, ``Generally, lawsuits between individuals are often held privately, and information about the lawsuit is not seen by many customers.Therefore, by prohibiting the filing of class actions, 'It is possible to hide information from the public.'

Additionally, 23andMe will automatically assume that you have accepted the new Terms of Use unless you email 23andMe to indicate that you do not agree within 30 days of receiving notice that the Terms of Use have changed. informing you that new terms and conditions apply.

Regarding the changes to the terms of service, a 23andMe spokesperson said, ``The purpose is not to limit the right of customers to seek relief in court, but to expedite the resolution of court cases.'' Customers rebelled.

X user Daniel Arroyo points out, ``23andMe has made a huge mistake and is still trying to deceive customers in an insidious manner.''

Paul Duke also criticized, ``23andMe is trying to cover up their failures and avoid class action lawsuits from customers. It's shameful.''

To date, multiple class action lawsuits (PDF files) have been filed against 23andMe in federal and state courts in California, state courts in Illinois, and Canadian courts.

Foreign media Engadget has asked 23andMe for comment on this matter, but as of the time of writing, no response has been received.

in Security, Posted by log1r_ut