Internal documents reveal the reality of PR activities by American and Israeli investment funds, such as ``dismissing pro-Palestinian employees'' and ``inciting pro-Israel public opinion''

In response to Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip, there have been calls from various countries for a ceasefire due to humanitarian concerns, but Israel

has set the goal of its military operation as ``killing the top Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip'' and continues to invade. Meanwhile, American and Israeli investment funds have formed an operational group to create pro-Israel public opinion, promoting measures such as firing pro-Palestinian employees and disrupting the activities of pro-Palestinian activists. This is revealed by inside information obtained by journalists Jack Poulson and Li Huang.

Inside the Pro-Israel Information War

The American-Israeli investment fund ``J-Ventures'' is said to be running a group that carries out pro-Israel PR activities. According to both men, J-Ventures also conducts charity activities such as 'supply support and mental health care support for evacuated Israeli children,' but also 'supports the development of an automatic reporting system for anti-Israel social media posts.' We also carry out activities that directly support Israel's military operations and PR activities, such as ``tactical equipment support for the Israeli Navy's special forces ``Shayetet 13'' and ``financial support for the support foundation of the Israeli Defense Forces special forces ``Duvdevan.'' That's what he said.

Furthermore, J-Ventures has created a group named 'J-Ventures Global Kibbutz Group' on the chat app 'WhatsApp' to share information about pro-Palestinian activists and pro-Israel PR activities. It is said that it is. Mr. Poulson and Mr. Hwang obtained a list of members and conversation logs of the J-Ventures Global Kibbutz Group, including people associated with famous companies such as Jeff Epstein, who previously served as CFO of Oracle, and members of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Government officials have been identified as joining the group, including Andy David, the department's top diplomat.

Below is a screenshot of the group conversation. When a group participant points to ``a pro-Palestinian SNS post by Courtney Carey, an employee of Wix, which develops homepage creation tools,'' and comments ``She is a Wix employee,'' that comment results in a 40% Minutes later, Bathsheba Moshe, Wix's general manager for Israel, left a comment saying, ``We are aware of the post and have already started taking action.'' After this conversation, Carey was actually fired from Wix.

Lawyers and members of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) also participate in the group, and in addition to ``firing anti-Israel employees'', ``punishing anti-Israel activists'' and ``prominent We also carry out activities such as 'cancelling events sponsored by Palestinians.' There is

a voting campaign on the internet about Palestinian Representative Rashida Tlaib saying, ``Congresswoman Tlaib is spreading anti-Israel claims. Shouldn't she resign?'' This campaign also The group is said to be leading the charge.

In addition, in the article published by both men, you can download the 'Report on J-Ventures' Israel PR activities.'

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf