Research results show that 30 minutes of exercise three times a week can be expected to have the same effect on erectile dysfunction as Viagra

When treating erectile dysfunction (ED), a drug called ``

sildenafil'' (Viagra) is commonly prescribed. On the other hand, Viagra has side effects such as headaches, nausea, heartburn, and muscle pain, and some patients are said to be suffering from Viagra's side effects. A report by a research team from Baylor College of Medicine and Boston Scientific in the United States found that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week can improve erectile dysfunction in men and have similar effects to Viagra. It turns out.

Effect of aerobic exercise on erectile function: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | The Journal of Sexual Medicine | Oxford Academic

There's a Free, Low-Risk Alternative to Viagra, Study Shows : ScienceAlert

Exercise as Good as Viagra for ED: Study

Based on 11 previous studies, the research team selected 636 of the 1,147 men who participated in the study into an 'experimental group' in which they exercised for 30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week, and the remaining 511 men. The study was divided into a ``control group'' that did not require aerobic exercise. The study found that patients with severe ED who engaged in aerobic exercise showed an average improvement of 5 points on the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), while patients with mild or moderate ED improved by 2 to 3 points. Improvements were seen. The research team also reported that ``exercise improved ED regardless of the participants' weight, health status, or type of medication they were taking.''

According to the research team, therapeutic drugs such as Viagra can be expected to improve symptoms by 4 to 8 points. Larry Miller of the research team said, ``Men with severe ED showed significant improvement with aerobic exercise. 'We are impressed by the finding that it is similar to what we see.'

ED is often caused by causes similar to cardiovascular disease, such as atherosclerotic narrowing, and Amy Perlman, a urologist at Prime Institute, says, ``ED acts as a barometer of cardiovascular health. I will.” In addition, proper exercise is said to not only improve obesity but also lower blood pressure, and Perlman said, ``Performing regular exercise does more than just affect cardiovascular health.'' 'It is natural that it may have a positive impact on improving ED.'

Rahul Mehan of East Valley Urology Center said, ``I never thought that aerobic exercise would have the same therapeutic effects as drugs such as Viagra,'' and said to ED patients who visited him, It is recommended that appropriate exercise be done.

Miller said, ``Exercising is safer and more cost-effective than taking medications that come with the risk of side effects.''This discovery that ``exercise improves ED'' may make it easier to avoid using drugs. 'For patients who don't have a drug or can't take medication for any reason, it could be one of the best options for treating ED.'

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut