How to find a lost cell phone at a campsite with no signal?

Engineer Matias García Isaia posted on his blog about how he found his cell phone that he accidentally lost while enjoying camping in a natural place where cell phone signals do not reach.

Approaching unconventional problems | Manas.Tech

Isaiah went on a trip across the jungle in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) with 12 people, including relatives and friends. The incident reportedly occurred during a barbecue in Misiones province in northern Argentina.

Argentina is a beautiful country, but the more rural you go, the more likely you are to have no cell phone reception. The place where Isaiah and his friends were having a barbecue was also in a secluded area, and when Isaiah's cousin started looking for his cell phone, he tried calling but could not get through.

Even when I searched familiar places, such as around the grill, I couldn't find my phone, and I couldn't use the Find My Device feature because there was no signal. So Isaiah decided to try using Wi-Fi.

Isaiah turns off Wi-Fi on his phone to save battery when he goes to the woods or mountains, but many people leave Wi-Fi on. So Isaiah used his cell phone's tethering function to create an access point with the same name and password as his cousin's Wi-Fi, and walked around the area to see if it would connect.

When Mr. Isaiah passed by the truck, there was a connection to Wi-Fi, and when he searched around the truck, he was able to safely discover a mobile phone placed on the ATV next to it. It is stated that even if there was a connection, he intended to

triangulate when he could not immediately locate the cell phone.

Isaiah says it feels great to combine your technical knowledge with your limited environment wisdom, and it feels even better when you help someone else solve a real problem. was concluding.

in Note,   Science, Posted by log1d_ts