Eriko Nakamura, Nanami Yamashita, Yuri Ehara and others toast at the event commemorating the completion of 'Machi★Aso Beer', beer is born 6 years after Sudachi tree planting

'Machi★Asobeer' was completed using sudachi harvested at

the Machi★Asobeer Harvest Festival held in Kamiyama Town, Tokushima Prefecture in September 2023, and a commemorative event was held at Machi★Asobi vol.27. .

At the event, Nakamura Sudachimura (Machi★Asobi Farm) village chief and Tokushima anime ambassador Eriko Nakamura, Yuri Ebara, who accompanied the tree planting in 2017, and Nanami Yamashita from Tokushima appeared. Together with the assembled participants, we enjoyed the completed Machi★Aso Beer.

Machi★Asobeer Completion Commemoration Event

The venue was Kasuga Kaikan, which is adjacent to Kasuga Shrine in Tokushima City. This is a very unusual place for a Machi★Asobi event venue.

At the venue, plates used at the 'Machi★Aso Beer Harvest Festival' and shovels used for tree planting were on display.

Nanami Yamashita and Yuri Ehara will be in charge of the event. The two also participated in the project announcement for 'Machi★Aso Beer' in 2022, but they seemed surprised, saying they never expected it to be completed a year later.

Kushima Anime Ambassador Eriko Nakamura, who has been involved for 6 years since the Sudachi tree planting that became the basis for 'Machi★Aso Beer', was invited and the event finally started in earnest. .

The three of us look back on the Sudachi Tree Planting, which started six years ago. When the project began, we did not aim to use it as an ingredient for beer like we did this time. In addition, Mr. Nakamura himself had never seen the photo of Mr. Nakamura planting trees, and it seems that Mr. Ebara dug up the photograph that he had taken.

The 'Machi★Aso Beer Harvest Festival' was held in September 2023, and we harvested 180 kg of sudachi. Mr. Yamashita, who is from Tokushima, receives sudachi from relatives and friends, but he had heard that there was a poor harvest in 2022, so he was relieved to hear that he had been able to harvest such a large amount of sudachi. That's what he said.

Please refer to the article below for information on the Harvest Festival and why Sudachi trees are planted in the first place.

Report on the ``Machi★Aso Beer Harvest Festival'' where Tokushima Anime Ambassador Eriko Nakamura went to Kamiyama Town to harvest the Sudachi trees she planted herself in order to make ``Machi★Aso Beer'' - GIGAZINE

“Machi★Aso Beer” is made using sudachi harvested in this way.

RISE & WIN Brewing Co., a brewery in Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima Prefecture, is in charge of the production, and the label is chosen by Mr. Nakamura from eight candidates by RISE & WIN Brewing Co.

At the event, Mr. Nakamura explained in detail the designs of the other seven designs that were unfortunately not selected, and why the current design was chosen. The selected design was the second one from the left in the bottom row, and the reason for its selection was that in addition to the taste of the illustration, it had the word 'Sudachi' written on it, clearly indicating that Sudachi was the main character. About.

After this, a toast was held for all participants, ``Mr. Ebara passed the glass, Mr. Nakamura poured the beer, and Mr. Yamashita saw them off,'' something similar to some Kamaitachi legend. . The participant in the foreground of the photo is wearing a T-shirt with an original design that was distributed to participants of the Machi★Aso Beer Harvest Festival.

After all participants had had beer, Mr. Nakamura handed the beer to Mr. Ebara.

Also, to Mr. Yamashita.

In return, Mr. Nakamura pours beer for Mr. Yamashita and Mr. Ebara.

Then we all toasted and enjoyed Machi★Aso beer.

Machi★Aso Beer has the refreshing citrus aroma typical of Sudachi, but has a light and easy-to-drink finish, and everyone at the venue commented on how delicious it was.

The actual bottle and label design looks like this.

Ingredients are malt, hops, and sudachi fruit peel.

There is an explanation that it was made using sudachi from Machi★Asobi Farm, which was born in 2017.

Comes with original sticker with label design.

Machi★Aso Beer is sold at ufotable CINEMA, ufotable cafe TO GO, Parasol Shop, some stores in Tokushima City, and RISE & WIN Brewing Co.'s online store, but since the production quantity is limited to 800 bottles, It was already sold out online and at the El Mundo Tokushima store in front of Tokushima Station/Amico Building East Building.

Machi★Asobi Farm continues to grow Sudachi, so we may see Sudachikuwa, Machi★Asobeer, and even more new products next year.

in Coverage,   Junk Food, Posted by logc_nt