'Ulitza' shows at a glance who the person who became the etymology of the street name is and how often it is used

Words that are named after a person's name, and the person from whom the word originates, are called ``

eponyms .'' Especially in foreign countries, there are many streets whose names are derived from the names of people, but it is difficult to see a list of eponyms that are the origin of the names of streets around the world. The site where you can do this is ' ulitza '.

Eponymous street names worldwide

The top page of ulitza looks like the following. 'Ulitza' is a Romanian word meaning 'narrow road' written without special characters. According to the author Mihai Orteanu, who lives in Romania, he asked the question, ``Who is the most popular person with a street name?'' and ``Who is the person you see everywhere on road signs?'' The project started out of curiosity to solve the question, 'Who is this?' and eventually expanded its scope to cover the entire world.

Ulitza was created by analyzing all street names registered in

OpenStreetMap , an open source database that allows you to freely edit detailed world maps, and extracting eponyms associated with people's names. According to Mr. Orteanu, he had no knowledge of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or their place names, and was unable to understand the relationship between people's names and street names, so he was unable to include them in the data. .

What is displayed on the top page of ulitza is ``The people who are the namesake of many streets around the world,'' and at the top is ``

St. Joseph ,'' who appears in the New Testament. All person names have links to Wikipedia embedded, so click 'Saint Joseph'.

The English version of St. Joseph's Wikipedia page has opened. In this way, you can discover and find out who the streets are named after all over the world and in different countries.

The number to the right of a person in the 'Worldwide' list indicates how many countries in the world have a street named after this person. Click the number '31' to the right of 'Saint Joseph'.

Streets named after St. Joseph are found in Argentina, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Luxembourg. It has been found in Mexico, the Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay, the United States, and Venezuela.

By selecting the region 'Americas' and selecting 'United States' and the country name, you can also see data for each country.

The country with the most street names in the United States was George Washington, the first president of the United States. In addition, in the case of 'Worldwide', the number next to the name was 'the number of countries in the world that have a street named after this person', but on the data page for each country, it says 'the number of countries in the world that have a street named after this person'. ``Number of cities'' that have streets marked with .

Even if you click on 'Number of cities in Japan that have streets named after this person,' what is displayed is 'Number of countries in the world that have streets named after this person.' , the name of the city cannot be known.

You can also search for 'In which country does this person have a street name?' Click 'search' at the top of the site.

I searched for ``da Vinci'' to find a street named after ``Leonardo da Vinci.'' Then, you can see that there are streets named after Da Vinci in 10 countries.

Click on '10' to the right of 'Leonard da Vinci' and you will see that there are streets named after Leonard da Vinci in Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the United States. I was able to find out.

Therefore, select 'Italy' from 'Europe' to check the data for Italy.

There are 377 streets in Italy named after Da Vinci.

Furthermore, for comparison, click on 'France' from 'Europe' and look at the data for France.

There are 59 cities in France that have streets named after Da Vinci.

Orteanu has published the ulitza data on GitHub, saying, ``If there are errors in the eponym data or incorrect names or interpretations due to my lack of understanding, I will be happy to correct or add to them.'' says.

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in Web Service, Posted by log1e_dh