Research results show that battery life of smartphones and notebook PCs can be improved simply by ``changing the material of the tape''

Lithium-ion batteries used as batteries for smartphones and notebook PCs release their stored electricity over time due to a phenomenon called self-discharge , and the remaining battery capacity decreases even when the device is not in use. A research team at Dalhousie University in Canada has reported the results of a study showing that simply changing the material of the tape that fixes battery electrodes can suppress spontaneous discharge and improve battery life.

Improving lithium-ion cells by replacing polyethylene terephthalate jellyroll tape | Nature Materials

Media opportunity: Dalhousie University researchers find alternative to tape used in commercial batteries that prolongs battery life and decreases self‑discharge by up to 70 per cent - Media Center - Dalhousie University

Canadian team identifies alternative tape that prolongs life of most laptop, cellphone batteries | CBC News

A Cheap Piece of Tape Increases Phone, Laptop Battery Life by 10% | PCMag

If you leave your smartphone or laptop unplugged from the charger, the battery will gradually decrease even if the main unit is turned off. This is because a phenomenon called self-discharge occurs in lithium-ion batteries, and the stored electricity is released little by little.

A research team at Dalhousie University reported in a paper published in January 2023 that the cause of self-discharge that occurs in lithium-ion batteries is ``the tape used to fix the battery cell electrodes.''

It has been pointed out that the cause of the battery's natural discharge may be the deterioration of the tape inside the battery - GIGAZINE

As a result of the research team investigating the chemical composition of the electrolyte solution contained in the battery cell, it was found that polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the material of the tape that fixes the battery cell electrode, was chemically decomposed. It was found that molecules generated by the decomposition of PET move back and forth between the positive and negative sides of the electrode, causing self-discharge to occur even when the device is not in use, similar to when the device is powered by a battery.

A new research team from the same Dalhousie University has reported research results showing that changing the material of the tape that fixes battery cell electrodes from PET to polypropylene (PP) can suppress battery wear.

According to the research team, simply changing battery tape from PET to PP can reduce self-discharge by 70% and extend battery life by 10%. The manufacturing cost of PP tape is almost the same as PET tape, so it is expected to be relatively easy for device manufacturers to switch battery tapes.

Anu Adamson, lead author of the paper, said: 'I don't think anyone thought that tape was the cause of self-discharge. Self-discharge is inevitable to some extent, and you can't make a perfect battery. 'Most people thought it wouldn't be easy to fix, if at all, but it turns out it's actually easy to fix.'

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• Discord | 'How many more hours do you want to extend the battery life of your smartphone or laptop?' | GIGAZINE

in Mobile,   Hardware,   Science, Posted by log1h_ik