Lawyer warns Unity could face lawsuits from users

On September 12, 2023, it was widely reported that Unity had

announced changes to its pricing system. A lawyer has pointed out that Unity, which has announced a policy to review its terms in response to user backlash, ``may be subject to lawsuits.''

Wait, is Unity allowed to just change its fee structure like that? | Ars Technica

Unity once established a policy stating that ``if you continue to use the old version of the software, you do not need to follow the new terms even if the terms change.'' However, this agreement has already been revised, and the issue of deleting a GitHub repository that seems to be related to this matter has also surfaced.

It turns out that Unity has quietly deleted the GitHub repository that records changes to the terms of service - GIGAZINE

When asked about the above terms, a Unity representative said, 'The terms provide that Unity may add or change fees at any time. We provide at least three months' notice before the Unity Runtime Fee goes into effect. 'Your consent is not required for the additional fees to take effect, and the only version of our terms is the latest version,' they wrote , reminding us that there is no way around the new terms as before.

Richard Hogue, a gaming industry lawyer, questions this.

In some countries, such as the United States, there is a legal doctrine called promissory estoppel , which allows a party to comply with a promise based on the law if he or she suffers a disadvantage as a result of acting on the promise.

For those who believed in Unity's promise of 'free use' and 'no need to comply with new terms' and started using the software, invested in technology and learning, and prepared to make games, there is a possibility that fees will be imposed in the future. Changing the terms and conditions that have sex is nothing but a disadvantage. Hogue pointed out, ``It is possible to argue that the developer relied on the language of the software agreement.'' However, Hogue added, ``Personally, I have no objection to this type of idea, but it may be difficult and technical to argue in an actual court.''

Regarding Unity's lawsuit, game developer Zaravia Nelson Jr. mentioned in the comment, ``I heard that at least one developer group is considering a class action lawsuit against Unity.''

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