The French government orders Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12 because it ``emits high-frequency energy that exceeds the limit that the human body can absorb.''

After investigating more than 100 smartphone models on the market in France, authorities requested Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12 after detecting radio frequency energy that exceeded the limit. On the other hand, Apple counters that the radio waves emitted by the iPhone meet health standards.

France demands Apple pull iPhone 12 due to high RF radiation levels

Apple disputes French findings, says iPhone 12 meets radiation rules | Reuters

When radio waves hit the human body, some of the energy is absorbed by the human body and converted into heat. Therefore, to prevent radio waves emitted from devices used near the body, such as smartphones, from causing burns or other negative health effects, radio waves emitted from wireless devices are regulated using an index called the specific absorption rate (SAR). .

For example, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States has set the SAR standard value at 1.6 W/kg, and the Council of the European Union has set the standard value for SAR at 2 W/kg for body tissues and 4 W/kg for hands and wrists. is set as the limit value. Japanese regulations also stipulate a maximum of 2W/kg near the head and body, and 4W/kg for the extremities.

The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) tested 141 mobile devices released by various vendors and checked whether their SAR was within the standard. As a result, the SAR value for the iPhone 12's hands and feet was 5.74W/kg, which was 43.5% over the limit of 4W/kg.

In response, ANFR called on Apple to withdraw all iPhone 12 from the French market and take the necessary steps to comply with EU regulations.

ANFR says that if Apple fails to take action, it will send employees to stores to check whether the iPhone 12 is being sold and force a recall of the product. People will have to return their devices to Apple.

In a statement, ANFR said, ``Authorities have requested Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market as of September 12, 2023, as SAR exceeds the threshold. We look forward to doing everything possible to put an end to this. If Apple fails to take action, it will lead to the recall of devices already provided to consumers.'

The move by French authorities is spreading across the EU, with Germany's Federal Network Agency saying it may start similar procedures in close cooperation with French authorities, and Spanish consumer group Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has also requested authorities to suspend sales of the iPhone 12.

In response to a request from French authorities, Apple said, ``iPhone 12 has been certified by multiple international organizations as complying with global standards, and we have submitted test results from Apple and multiple third-party institutions in France to prove this. We have submitted the matter to the authorities and are contesting their findings.'

Industry experts agree with Apple's claims, and Rodney Croft, chairman of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which established the international SAR guidelines, said, ``From a health and safety perspective, this We will not do anything that would put us at risk.'

The guidelines set the risk of burns and heat stroke from mobile phone radio waves at 10 times the level at which scientists have found evidence that they are harmful. According to Croft, ANFR does not place any layers of clothing or other textiles between the device and the user, and measures using a method that assumes direct skin contact. There is a possibility that it may be different from the one provided by the authorities.

iPhone 12 is a model released in 2020 and is no longer available at Apple's online shop. Additionally, it is almost impossible to take physical measures such as adding shielding material to the iPhone 12, which is already on the market. However, it may be possible to weaken the radio waves emitted by the device by updating the software.

In an interview with the daily newspaper Le Parisien on September 12, French Digital Economy Minister Jean-Noël Barrault said, ``Apple will respond within two weeks. I am prepared to order a recall of all iPhones in circulation. The rules are the same for everyone, regardless of the digital giant.'

in Mobile, Posted by log1l_ks