What are the 8 lifestyle habits that have been proven to extend lifespan by an average of 24 years if acquired by the age of 40?

A study of more than 700,000 people living across the United States reported that eight lifestyle habits that can be learned from a young age can significantly extend lifespan.

These eight habits could lengthen your life by decades | EurekAlert!


Eight lifestyle habits proven to extend your life by decades • Earth.com

Xuan-Mai T. Nguyen, a health science expert at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, spoke at the American Academy of Nutrition's meeting in Boston in July 2023. A study found that men who practiced these techniques lived an average of 24 years longer than men who did not practice them at all. The effects of healthy habits have also been confirmed in women, with women living an average of 21 years longer.

The following shows the expected increase in life expectancy if a man adopts healthy lifestyle habits starting at age 40, divided into 1 lifestyle habit (red) to 8 lifestyle habits (green). It's a graph. The effects of healthy lifestyle habits were more pronounced the younger you started and the more you practiced them, but they were still effective even if you started them later or in fewer numbers.

Specifically, there are eight healthy habits that research has shown to extend lifespan:
・Move your body well
- Avoid becoming

addicted to opioids
·no smoking
・Relieve stress
・Healthy diet
・Do not binge drink or eat too much
・Maintain good sleep hygiene
・Having positive social relationships

Contrary to a healthy lifestyle, 'low physical activity,' 'opioid use,' and 'smoking' have significant negative effects on health, and these factors accounted for approximately 30-45% of the risk of death during the study period. It was associated with an increase. Furthermore, ``stress,'' ``unhealthy eating,'' ``binge drinking and eating,'' and ``poor sleep hygiene'' increased the risk of death by approximately 20%, and ``lack of positive social relationships'' increased the risk of death by approximately 5%. I also found out that there is a relationship.

This study used medical records collected from 2011 to 2019 for 719,147 participants in the Million Veterans Program (MVP), a large-scale nationwide study of American veterans. This is an analysis of survey data. The data included adults aged 40 to 99 years, and 33,375 people died during the follow-up period.

Experts say the results of this study confirm that ``lifestyle factors play a role in chronic diseases that cause early death and disability.'' However, Nguyen pointed out that since this study was an observational study, it did not completely prove the causal relationship between lifestyle habits and lifespan.

'Lifestyle medicine, which aims to treat the root causes of chronic diseases rather than the symptoms, has the potential to change the trend of medical costs continuing to increase due to the effects of drug prescriptions and surgical procedures,' Nguyen said. ``The sooner you start the eight healthy habits, the better, but they are effective even in your 50s and 60s, so it's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle.'' Did.

in Science, Posted by log1l_ks