Google announces AI-enabled PostgreSQL-compatible database service 'AlloyDB AI'

At the Google Cloud technology announcement event '

Google Cloud Next '23 ' held from August 30, 2023, a function set ' AlloyDB AI ' that introduces AI to AlloyDB , Google's PostgresSQL compatible database service, was announced. Ta.

Helping developers build Gen AI apps with Google Cloud PostgreSQL databases | Google Cloud Blog

Google's AlloyDB AI transforms databases to power generative AI apps | TechCrunch

Introducing AI, AlloyDB AI is a set of features integrated into AlloyDB for PostgreSQL to help developers build generative AI apps using their own data. By more easily and efficiently combining large language models with real-time operational data, it can execute vector queries up to 10x faster than standard PostgreSQL.

Easily generate embedded data by deploying a simple PostgreSQL function, or access local models that generate embeddings in-database with low latency with a single line of SQL, at no additional cost to any AlloyDB deployment. It will be available though. At the time of writing the article, it can be previewed through AlloyDB's download version ``

AlloyDB Omni '', which has moved from technology preview to public preview, and will be available in the AlloyDB managed service in the second half of 2023.

It is also possible to integrate with the AI ecosystem, including Google's machine learning tool extension ' Vertex AI Extensions ' scheduled to appear in the second half of 2023, and the language model compatible application development library ' LangChain '. With full compatibility with PostgreSQL, 99.99% availability, and enterprise features such as data protection, disaster recovery and built-in security, AlloyDB was announced to be available for 'top class applications.'

in Software, Posted by log1p_kr