What is the reason why chat AI 'ChatGPT' can be used for various purposes such as robotics and insurance contracts?

ChatGPT has spread rapidly since its release in November 2022, and is used for a variety of things, from tonight's
How ChatGPT turned generative AI into an “anything tool” | Ars Technica

◆ Differences from the language model before ChatGPT appeared
ChatGPT is a chat AI developed by OpenAI, based on language models such as 'GPT-3.5' and 'GPT-4'. OpenAI released the language model ``GPT-2'' in February 2019, more than two years before the release of ChatGPT, but GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 have major differences from GPT-2. To do.
In the first place, language models such as GPT-2 are not designed to generate ``correct sentences'', but are developed to generate ``sentences that are likely to be the continuation of the input''. For example, if you enter the sentence 'A famed novelist well-known for' in GPT-2, it will return 'A famed novelist well-known for its literary realism'. It will generate a continuation in natural sentences such as 'The author is ~)'. However, sentence generation by GPT-2 is highly random, and it was difficult to generate sentences with the contents intended by the user.

GPT-3, which was released in May 2020, had much higher sentence generation performance than GPT-2, but the problem of `` it is difficult to generate sentences with the intended content '' remains. I was. In order to solve this problem, OpenAI released an improved version of GPT-3 `` InstructGPT '' in January 2022, which incorporates a mechanism for learning user feedback on generated results. Before the advent of InstructGPT, the language model returned output according to the input (prompt) 'generate ○○' and the process ended. InstructGPT returned □□. Please generate △△ based on □□.'
OpenAI combines GPT-3 and InstructGPT to develop a language model ``GPT-3.5'' that can catch instructions and responses. ChatGPT is GPT-3.5 with a friendly UI like a chat application, and ChatGPT has gained explosive popularity due to its ease of use and accuracy of responses.
◆ Reasons why ChatGPT can be used as a versatile tool
Traditional computers operate according to the flow that 'the CPU executes processing while retrieving necessary data from memory according to the program and outputs it'. If you think of the prompt as a program and the input/output history as memory, ChatGPT is a traditional way of saying that ``the language model (GPT-3 or GPT-4) follows the prompt, executes processing while retrieving the necessary data from the input/output history, and outputs it.'' It can act like a real computer.

For this reason, we developed an application that makes proposals according to each user's contract details by using ``prompts containing information about each user's insurance policy,'' and ``syntax for controlling robots'' and By entering 'action to do' as a prompt, it is possible to realize operations such as generating a robot control statement that can execute the expected action.
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in Software, Posted by log1o_hf