A movie that you can see how many minutes the coffee shop customer is sitting in one shot using AI

A concept movie showing how a coffee shop uses cameras and AI installed in the store to track the work of the staff and the time spent by customers in detail was released on SNS, and various opinions were received. Ta.

Lukas Benzl, executive director of the Czech AI association Česká asociace umělé intelligence, said: “This concept shows how coffee shops can use AI to analyze baristas and customers. Enjoy your chocolate chip frappuccino and privacy,' he posted on X.

You can see the same video posted by Mr. Benzl from the following.

A coffee shop tracks employees and customers with AI-YouTube

The video shows the customers and staff inside the store, and the tags attached by AI detect that the customer sitting at the counter with a laptop open for more than an hour, and the coffee served by the staff. you can see the number of

In response to this post, Elon Musk also

responded with '!' ”, and some comments that just make me feel uneasy.

In addition, Spain-based designer Linus Ekenstam said, ``Let me give you another example of employee surveillance. Masks are mandatory in this store, and if employees remove their masks, their bosses will know. It will be,' posted another movie.

The same movie can be played from the following.

Analysis by AI confirms whether the clerk is wearing a mask thoroughly-YouTube

Behind the counter of the hamburger shop, the clerk was busy working, and AI was checking the wearing of goggles and masks.

Finally, the logo of the AI company

Chooch is shown, so it can be seen that this movie was produced by Chooch.

Ekenstam also posted that his phone's location information was being sold by carriers and posted a warning about drone surveillance.

in Software,   Video, Posted by log1l_ks