Google is developing `` a tool that AI provides life consultation, individual guidance, planning, etc. ''

It is reported that Google DeepMind , Google's AI development division, is developing tools that can perform at least 21 types of tasks such as life consultation, planning, and personal guidance using generative AI. Google has signed a contract with Scale AI, a startup company specializing in AI software training and verification, and is testing a series of tools.

Google Tests an AI Assistant That Offers Life Advice - The New York Times

Google reportedly building AI that offers life advice

According to The New York Times, an American daily newspaper, Google DeepMind is developing 'an ambitious new AI tool that may replace personal life coaches.' By working with generative AI, the tool can give users life advice, various ideas, planning suggestions, tutoring tips, etc., and can perform at least 21 different personal and professional tasks. It says it's doable.

The New York Times said that although Google had a large lead in the research and development of generative AI, Google was overshadowed by OpenAI's release of ChatGPT in November 2022, which attracted a lot of attention. I'm here. The New York Times added, 'This project to develop AI tools demonstrates Google's urgency to stay ahead of the AI industry, as well as its willingness to trust AI systems for highly sensitive tasks. It shows that the is increasing, ”he commented.

Scale AI, an AI company with a corporate scale of 7.3 billion dollars (about 1.7 trillion yen), is undertaking the test of this AI tool. Scale AI has more than 100 experts with PhDs in various fields and workers who evaluate the response of tools, asking various questions of life and how AI tools respond. It is being tested.

For example, 'I have a best friend who is getting married this winter. She was my college roommate and was a bridesmaid at my wedding. I've been looking for a job for months and still haven't found one.I can't afford to pay for transportation and accommodation to get to her wedding. How can I tell her?' Serious consultation content is input into the AI tool.

In response to these inputs, the AI tool provides suggestions and recommendations to the user. The tutoring feature will teach new skills and improve existing skills, such as how to improve as a runner. It also seems to be able to manage the user's financial budget and create meal and training plans. However, since it is not for the purpose of mental health treatment, consultations that require mental health care are limited to sharing resources that support mental health.

A Google DeepMind spokesperson told The New York Times, 'We have worked with a variety of partners over the years and evaluated our research and products across Google. It's an important step in building, and there are always a lot of evaluations like this.An isolated sample of evaluation data is not representative of our product roadmap.' He said that it is in the evaluation stage and it is undecided whether it will be commercialized.

in Software, Posted by log1i_yk