Stability AI announces open source coding assistance AI 'StableCode'

AI development company Stability AI, known for developing image generation AI `` Stable Diffusion '', has announced coding assistance AI `` StableCode ''. StableCode contributes to improving the work efficiency of developers, and is also useful as a learning tool for beginners.

Announcing StableCode — Stability AI

StableCode is divided into three models, ' StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B-4K ', ' StableCode-Instruct-Alpha- 3B' , and 'StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B '. The outline of each model is as follows.

StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B-4K is the base model of the three models, trained using version 1.2 of the dataset ' The Stack ' collected by ' BigCode ', a project supporting the development of large-scale language models for coding. increase. Training data includes various programming languages such as Python, Go, Java, Javascript, and C language.

StableCode-Instruct-Alpha-3B is a fine-tuned version of the base model, StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B-4K, and can generate code according to instructions.

StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B is a model specialized for code auto-completion (completion) and can process codes of up to 16,000 tokens. StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B can process 2 to 4 times more code than existing open source coding assistance AI. The image below is an example of code completion using StableCode-Completion-Alpha-3B, where the gray part at the bottom of the image is completed.

The three models can be downloaded from the links below.

stabilityai/stablecode-completion-alpha-3b-4k Hugging Face

stabilityai/stablecode-instruct-alpha-3b Hugging Face

stabilityai/stablecode-completion-alpha-3b Hugging Face

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf