AWS announces that the use of public IPv4 addresses will be charged, and at the same time, free provision of 'Public IPv4 Insight' will also start

Amazon's cloud computing service 'Amazon Web Services (AWS)' announced that it will start pay-as-you-go billing for the use of all IPv4 addresses from February 1, 2024. At the same time, it is a tool that allows you to check the usage status of IPv4 addresses. 'Public IPv4 Insights' is now available.
What's New – Announcing New Pricing for Public IPv4 Address Usage / Amazon VPC IP Address Manager Launches Public IP Insights | Amazon Web Services Blog
The IP address is used to identify the other party when communicating on the Internet. Since IPv4 has a 32-bit address space and can only allocate approximately 4.3 billion IP addresses in total, the problem of depletion of newly allocated IP addresses is occurring as the Internet population increases.
As IPv4 addresses are becoming increasingly rare and the cost of acquiring them has risen by more than 300% over the past five years, AWS will begin metering all IPv4 address usage on February 1, 2024. Announced to start charging. Until now, while securing an IP address using the 'Elastic IP address' service that assigns a static IP address to your account, if you did not use that IP address, or if you have multiple IP addresses for your EC2 instance If it was assigned, a charge was incurred, but after February 1, 2024, the same amount of $ 0.005 (about 0.71 yen) per hour will be charged for all IPv4 addresses.
Public IP address type | Current price/hour (USD) | New Rate/Hour (USD) (Applicable from February 1, 2024) |
Public IPv4 addresses in use (including AWS-provided public IPv4 addresses and Elastic IP addresses) assigned to resources in your VPC, Amazon Global Accelerator, and AWS Site-to-Site VPN tunnels | free | $0.005 |
Additional (secondary) Elastic IP address assigned to the launching EC2 instance | $0.005 | $0.005 |
An unallocated Elastic IP address in your account | $0.005 | $0.005 |
It costs about 500 yen per month for one IPv4 address, and about 6000 yen for one year. At the same time as this change, `` Public IPv4 address usage for 750 hours per month for the first 12 months '' will be added to the Amazon EC2 free usage tier. In addition to IPv4 addresses automatically allocated to EC2, it is important to note that IPv4 addresses allocated to services such as Elastic Load Balancer , NAT gateway , and AWS Global Accelerator will also incur charges. This change only applies to Amazon-owned IPv4 addresses, and there is no charge for IP addresses that users bring to AWS using Amazon BYOIP .
At the same time as this announcement, in addition to being able to check the usage of public IPv4 addresses in the AWS Cost and Usage Report ,Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) makes it easy to monitor, analyze, and use IPv4 addresses. An auditable tool 'Public IPv4 Insights' has been added.
To use public IPv4 insights, log in to AWS, enter 'ip address' in the search field at the top, and click 'Amazon VPC IP Address Manager' in the 'Features' field.

Clicking 'Public IPv4 Insight' from the menu on the left displays a screen where you can check the status of IPv4 addresses used in the displayed region at a glance.

There is also a table that allows you to check the status of each IP address specifically.

By clicking the IP address, it is possible to check 'which resource is associated with' and 'applied security group'.

After February 1, 2024, it will be possible to check the usage even with AWS Cost Explorer . In addition, there are blog articles on how to use IPv4 addresses efficiently and documents on how to build a system using IPv6 , so if you are interested, please check them out.
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in Web Service, Posted by log1d_ts