Asahi beverage's ``Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970'' tasting review that reproduced the taste of the 1970s

Based on the product design of 'Mitsuya Cider' released in the 1970s, ' Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970 ', which reproduces the taste of the time in a modern style, appeared on July 25, 2023. It is characterized by a gentle sweetness of sugar and a mellow taste with a strong scent of lime, so I actually drank it to see what it tasted like.

``Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970'' Limited release from July 25 | News Release 2023 | Company Information | Asahi Beverages

The bottle of 'Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970' looks like this.

Sugars and fragrances are used as raw materials.

Calories are calculated to be 42 kcal per 100 ml and 210 kcal per 500 ml.

When you pour it into a cup, the carbonic acid bursts.

It feels like carbonated sugar water, and if you drink this alone, it feels almost the same as regular Mitsuya Cider. I didn't get the scent of lime.

I also bought regular Mitsuya Cider for comparison.

Fructose glucose liquid and fragrance are used as raw materials.

The calorie is 42kcal per 100ml.

When comparing the two types, 'Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970' clearly has a stronger sweetness. Regular Mitsuya Cider has a sweet and sour taste, and it feels like the sweetness stays in the back of the tongue for a while. On the other hand, 'Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970' had almost no sourness, and the sweetness of sugar was strong, making it smell sweeter.

The price of 'Mitsuya Cider Classic 1970' is 173 yen including tax and is sold nationwide.

in Tasting, Posted by log1p_kr