Dutch government launches official Mastodon server 'overheid.nl'

The Dutch government has launched an official Mastodon server,

social.overheid.nl . The Digitalization Minister, who is promoting this matter, has immediately moved the official account from mastodon.nl to overheid.nl.

Alexandra van Huffelen: 'Vandaag lanceren wij onze over…' - Mastodon

Dutch government officially launches Mastodon server – The Fediverse Report

Dutch Minister for Digitalization Alexandra van Haffelen announced the launch of Mastodon's official Dutch government server on her official social.overheid.nl account.

On June 22, 2023, Mr. Haffelen and others submitted a letter to the House of Representatives regarding digital community assets .

In this letter, Mr. Haffelen and others argued for the need for alternatives to the SNS already in operation, and cited Mastodon as one of them.

In the Netherlands, on July 5th, there was a rare 'summer storm' with a maximum wind speed of 27 m / s. At that time, more than 300 flights were canceled, and a curfew was issued across most of the country. increase. However, in this disaster, Twitter was useless because it was necessary to log in to view tweets, and the House of Representatives submitted a motion. At this time, local governments create and publish their own live blogs.

Het luchtalarm gaat af: snel, maak een Twitter-account aan! – Bits of Freedom

The launch of Mastodon this time was not directly caused by the inability to use Twitter during a disaster, but it shows the difficulty of the government in disseminating information using private infrastructure and services. increase.

Mastodon has received many compliments on Mr. Haffelen's post, including the opinion that ``It's a great effort! You shouldn't rely on foreign commercial media for important information from the government.''

As an official government Mastodon server, `` bund.de '' opened by Germany in 2022 is ahead.

Explorer - social.bund.de

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt