A YouTuber who was suddenly suspended from Amazon's associate program explains the circumstances and speculates that 'because he posted a video criticizing Amazon', but the details are unknown

A YouTuber who was suspended for violating

the Amazon Associate Program, Amazon's affiliate service, has released a movie explaining the circumstances and causes. Regarding this matter, the person himself said that he does not have any idea of the act corresponding to the violation of the terms.

Amazon cancels my account after exposing account lockout for 'racist doorbell'-YouTube

Amazon cancels my account after exposing account lockout for “racist doorbell” [video] | Hacker News

In June 2023, YouTuber Luis Rothman received an email from Amazon saying, ``Cancellation of approval to participate in the Associate Program.'' The email said, 'We have confirmed traffic from other sites and social media, as well as affiliate links on Mr. Rothman's YouTube channel for personal use by Mr. Rothman's friends, relatives and associates. For this reason, we have temporarily rejected the account that has been temporarily approved for the Amazon Associates Program.'

Mr. Rothman has been active as a YouTuber since 2011 and opened an Amazon account for the Amazon Associate Program in 2016. For the next seven years, he posted affiliate links for the soldering iron and microscope he used in the description of the video, but no warnings or indications were given by Amazon, and there was no evidence of 'fraudulent activity.' It was not presented.

``Since my channel has 1.8 million subscribers, I can earn a certain amount of income without asking friends and relatives to buy it,'' he said.

Mr. Rothman said about the factors that caused his associate program to be suspended, ``I criticize Amazon for suspending the account of a user who allegedly made racist remarks to a delivery person via

a video doorbell . It may have been caused by posting the video.'

Below is a video posted by Mr. Rothman on June 12, 2023. According to Rothman, when a delivery man was out and delivered to an absent home, he misunderstood a pre-recorded message on the video doorbell as a racist remark. In addition, the account of the user who requested the delivery was allegedly suspended after the delivery person reported it to his superior.

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``About a week after posting this video, I received an email to stop the associate program,'' Rothman said. Rothman also said, 'I know there are many people in Amazon who hate me. 'I think they're holding up, they're treating customers worse, and they seem to have fewer opportunities for accountability as they grow.'

Also, since no clear evidence was presented about the suspension of the program, Mr. Rothman has doubts as to whether Amazon was sufficiently reviewed before suspending his program. Mr. Rothman said, ``I was a little afraid of Amazon locking my account with a quick decision like this time.''

Hacker News, a social news site, said, ``I don't think it's a good thing that Amazon can suspend someone's account at will.However, account suspension is one of the rights Amazon has.The biggest problem is Amazon monopolizes the share of online retail.If you don't have a monopoly, you can switch to another competitor's service even if your account is suspended. '

in Web Service,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut