The Internet archive sued for copyright infringement by a major publisher claims that it is a lawsuit that threatens the future of all libraries and seeks support

Internet Archive , a non-profit organization that operates `` Wayback Machine '', a web page archive browsing service,opened the `` National Emergency Library '', an electronic library where you can read 1.4 million e-books for free in March 2020.Opened . As a result, the Internet Archive, which was sued by a major publisher for ``intentional digital copyright infringement on an industrial scale,'' has voiced its support online for oral argument on March 20, 2023. We are looking for

Battle for Libraries

The National Emergency Library, established by the Internet Archive, is an electronic library service that lends out 1.4 million books, including books whose copyrights have not expired, so you can read even popular books without waiting for a reservation. The Internet Archive has been lending e-books that scanned paper books for a long time, but the National Emergency Library has abolished various restrictions, making it possible for a large number of users to read the same book at once.

The National Emergency Library adopts a mechanism to lend data obtained by scanning paper books, and does not use the copyright avoidance restrictions used by general libraries. Instead, it claims that it is not a copyright infringement using its own theory called 'Controlled Digital Lending'.

In response, in June 2020, several major publishers filed a lawsuit, claiming that ``Internet archive digital libraries are intentional digital copyright infringements on an industrial scale''. The publisher argued that ``not only does the Internet Archive operate outside the legal framework, it is also malicious and fraudulent.'' I'm taking a free ride on the work designed by '.

``The Internet archive electronic library that can read about 1.4 million books for free is a copyright infringement,'' the publisher complains-GIGAZINE

Regarding the Internet archive digital library and the publisher's lawsuit against it, it has also been pointed out that ``the library's role of 'preserving culture for future generations' is lost due to commercial publishers.'' On the other hand, there are also voices saying that `` Internet archives are dishonest against copyright law '', and discussions are taking place involving writers and readers.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation supports the ``electronic library'' that was sued for copyright infringement by a major publisher, and the debate over whether the library in the digital world is viable - GIGAZINE

The Internet Archive, which is preparing for oral argument on March 20, 2023, has launched a website entitled 'Battle for Libraries' to solicit support from people. People who agree with the Internet Archive can show their solidarity by registering by writing their name, email address, country, opinion, etc.

The Internet Archive claims that the lawsuit by a major publisher is not just about the National Emergency Library, but about the right of all libraries to own e-books. Rather than giving libraries the option of owning and storing e-books permanently, major publishers charge a fee for renting e-book licenses. It also allows publishers to act as information gatekeepers and edit or remove e-book content without transparency.

In this regard, the Internet Archive argues that e-books should be independently owned by individual libraries, just as major publishers cannot arbitrarily collect or discard books owned by libraries. ``This decentralized curation makes books more censorship-resistant, publicly available, and available without modification,'' he said.

in Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik