AMD holds 30% of the CPU market, steadily stealing share from Intel

According to a survey by market research company Mercury Research, it was found that AMD is steadily increasing its share while the CPU market is losing momentum. On the other hand, Intel is reportedly losing its share, although it still maintains the top position.
AMD Steals More Of Intel's Lunch Money, Capturing Over 30% X86 CPU Market Share | HotHardware
CPUs See Biggest Shipment Decline in 30 Years | PCMag
AMD Grabs Over 30% CPU Market Share As Intel Continues To Decline
AMD wins nearly a third of processor market, Arm's climb slows: analyst report | Reuters
According to Mercury Research's fourth quarter 2022 report, this quarter saw the worst drop in x86 CPU shipments in 30 years, both year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter.
In a report, Mercury Research said, ``Excluding ARM processors, CPU shipments in 2022 will be 374 million units and revenue will be $65 billion (about 8.75 trillion yen), down 21% and 19%, respectively. This looks very pessimistic, but it should be noted that the processor market revenue in 2022 will still be higher than in any previous year, apart from 2020 and 2021.' He said the decline in revenue this quarter is a reaction to the particularly strong demand in 2020 and 2021.
While the CPU market is facing a big headwind, the performance of Intel and AMD, which divides the industry almost in half, has resulted in a bright and dark split. AMD reported better-than-expected earnings in its fourth-quarter 2022 financial results announced in January 2023, but Intel's performance fell short of expectations. As a result, the company's stock price plummeted .
According to Mercury Research, Intel's share of the CPU market in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 68.7%, while AMD's share was 31.3%, a solid increase from 28.5% in the fourth quarter of 2021. .

The following is the transition of AMD's share rate compiled by the news media Wccftech based on the reports of Mercury Research so far. It can be seen that since AMD recorded a 20.7% share in the first quarter of the 2020s, its share rate has increased almost consistently.

Regarding the reason for the difference between the two companies, Mercury Research said, ``The shipments of desktop processors increased significantly in the third quarter of 2022, and then declined significantly this quarter.This is because Intel raised prices in the third quarter. As a result, shipments plummeted in Q4.Both Intel and AMD saw a large drop in desktop CPU shipments, but Intel's shipments were significantly lower, so AMD's shipments fell sharply in the shrinking market. increased its market share.”
Meanwhile, Intel continues to dominate the lucrative server processor market. Intel's share of server CPUs this quarter was 82.4%, which is down from 89.3% in the same period last year, but roughly flat from 82.5% in the previous quarter. AMD's share was 17.6%, an increase from 10.7% in the same period last year, but only a slight increase from 17.5% in the previous quarter.
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in Hardware, Posted by log1l_ks