Research results that ``lowering'' is more important than ``lifting'' for efficient muscle training

Even if you decide to do muscle training for health and body make-up, there must be many people who have stopped muscle training because the effect is weak or the muscle training time is long. A research team led by Professor Kazunori Nosaka of Edith Cowan University discovered an effective and short-time muscle training method.

Comparison between concentric-only, eccentric-only, and concentric–eccentric resistance training of the elbow flexors for their effects on muscle strength and hypertrophy

Less gym time, same results: Why 'lowering' weights is all you need to do - ECU Newsroom

A joint study conducted by Edith Cowan University, Londrina State University, Niigata University, and Nishikyushu University measured the weights of three groups who did dumbbell curls twice a week for 5 weeks and a group who did no muscle training. rice field. Also, among the groups performing dumbbell curls, one group only lowered weights, one group lifted weights, and one group raised and lowered weights.

The effect of muscle training when lifting weights was confirmed in all groups that performed dumbbell curls. significantly improved muscle strength.

The weight-lowering group exercised half as many as the lifting-lowering group, but increased muscle thickness by 7.2%, significantly higher than the lifting-lowering group, which grew 5.2%.

Nosaka says, ``

Muscle contraction is the most effective way to improve muscle strength and muscle mass, and it is more important to lower weights such as dumbbells than to lift them.''

Nosaka recommends focusing on lowering weight during exercises such as bicep curls , triceps extensions, front raises , and shoulder presses .

Nosaka also recommends similar attention when performing leg extensions , leg curls , and calf raises .

In addition, Nosaka suggests exercises that can be done at home without going to the gym.

・Sit on a chair
From a crouching position, slowly sit down on a chair for 3 seconds. At this time, various effects can be obtained depending on the difference in the width of the legs. If you feel that it is easy, we recommend that you try it on one leg.

- Reclining in a chair
Sit low in a chair, create a space between your back and the backrest, and slowly fall back over 3 seconds. Cross your arms in front of your chest or fold them behind your head.

Standing behind a chair, lean to one side, put your weight on one leg, and slowly squat down for three seconds.

・Lower your heels
Lean forward on the back of your chair and raise your heels. Then lift one leg and lower the heel of the other leg for 3 seconds.

- Push-ups on the wall
Lean against the wall with your arms outstretched and slowly bend your elbows until your face touches the wall for 3 seconds.

Front lunge
From an upright position, take a big step forward with one leg, keep your upper body straight, bend the knee of your back leg deeply for at least 3 seconds, and slowly lower your center of gravity.

It is recommended to perform these exercises 10 times per set.

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut