The site is in great confusion due to the rare fact that ``the mother was also an uncle when a paternity test was conducted''

The question, 'Are they really related by blood?' can be solved by DNA analysis , which is also used to identify the blood relationship between parent and child and the breed of crops and livestock. In a case presented at the November 2022 International Symposium on DNA Testing in Washington, D.C., a girl's DNA testing with her mother revealed that the girl's mother was not actually her mother, but a 'male.' The shocking fact that 'I had the gene of' has been revealed.
Solving a genetic mystery: DNA showed a mom was also her child's uncle
Tetragametic Chimerism Identified during a Routine Paternity Testing Case - ISHI News
In a case reported by Juan Younis of the Institute of Genetics in Colombia, a girl was given a DNA test that revealed three results. First, a test result that the girl's birth mother was not actually her mother. Second, the superimposition of the findings of some tests suggested that the father was not her real father either. And finally, the birth mother's blood sample contained the 'XY chromosomes' found in biological males, rather than the 'XX chromosomes' associated with females.
According to Mr. Yunis, the results of the test caused confusion, ``Someone made a mistake and the laboratory was contaminated. was repeated with the same result. Also leaving the mother out of the test and examining only the father and the girl, the father was clearly shown to be the girl's father, causing further confusion.

'In the mother's DNA, the disappeared twin brother's gene lives on,' Eunice said of the medical mystery, describing it as a 'human chimera' in terms of DNA. increase. The mother's vanishing twin remained as DNA, and the DNA type appraisal detected the missing twin gene, the girl's 'uncle', causing confusion in the appraisal results.
You can check your DNA to see if you have 'twin brothers and sisters who disappeared before you were born'.

Genetic research has opened up new horizons in recent decades, and during the early weeks between the sperm meeting the egg and the birth of the baby, the cells of the embryo develop rapidly, revealing the complex 'DNA.' It is clear that 'shuffle' is happening. Adjustment by this DNA shuffle affects the result, such as the birth of triplets or miscarriage, and it is thought that such a pathway and result may lead to the 'chimera phenomenon'. In other words, the DNA of the 'future twins' that existed in the process of DNA shuffling is mixed with the DNA of the brothers who were finally born, and remains as the deep information of the DNA that does not appear outside.

In 2002, Eunice reported a similar case in which Karen Kagan, a 52-year-old woman who underwent genetic testing for an organ transplant, was a 'tetragametic' chimera. I'm here. Mr. Kagan was confirmed to have four sex cells, which are normally only two in the gene, but this is also believed to be due to the fusion of the fertilized eggs in the early stages of pregnancy of the mother. Mr. Kagan had two types of 'XX cells', but Mr. Eunice's newly reported woman has 'XX cells' and 'XY cells', remnants of twin males who disappeared in early pregnancy. It seems that I had a
Robert Wen, a genetic pathologist based in Baltimore in the eastern United States, said, ``Chimerism, that is, the presence of chimeric cells in nature, has been rarely published, but the condition may exist in up to 10% of the population. It is estimated that there is a This is suggested by a survey on the `` disappearing twin syndrome '' that `` 15% to 30% are confirmed as twins in the early stages of pregnancy and are born as one child ''.
'Chimerism can confuse paternity testing and cause all sorts of problems,' said Younis. In fact, in addition to the latest case in which the mother was also identified as the uncle, a case was reported in 2015 in which a non-existent father's brother was shown by DNA testing to be the true father. In addition, since the mother receives genes from the child during the development of the fetus, some cases remain in the body even after childbirth and become acquired chimeras `` microchimerism '' has also been confirmed.
18 changes experienced by women due to pregnancy, such as 'pregnant women become chimeras' - GIGAZINE

Younis reports that there are only about 20 confirmed cases with the ``chimera gene,'' but ``we have no idea how often chimerism occurs. It could have a big impact on the
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