High-resolution MRI reveals that special changes have occurred in the brain of people with migraine, which may be useful for diagnosis and treatment

Migraine, which is a throbbing and severe headache, is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, weakness, and dizziness, and there are

research results that 14% of the world's population has migraine , so many people have causes and effective measures. I look forward to discovering A study presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America reported that analysis using high-resolution MRI revealed that special changes occurred in the brains of people with migraines.

Ultra-high-res MRI Reveals Migraine Brain Changes

Mysterious Changes Identified in The Brains of People Who Get Migraines : ScienceAlert

A research team led by Wilson Shu, a researcher at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, focused on the perivascular space (perivascular space) in an area called the semioval center under the cerebral cortex. The perivascular space is a space filled with blood components and cerebrospinal fluid that forms between blood vessels and tissues. is not understood.

'The perivascular space is part of the fluid drainage system in the brain,' Xu said. It may be useful for

To investigate the association between migraine headaches and the perivascular space at the center of the semiovule, the researchers studied 10 patients with chronic migraine headaches, 10 patients with recurrent migraine headaches, and no migraine headaches. A total of 25 subjects were recruited, including 5 in the control group. These subjects did not have cognitive impairment, claustrophobia, brain tumors, etc., and had no history of brain surgery in the past.

They then analyzed the subjects' brains using a 7- Tesla MRI, which outperforms standard clinical MRI. Most clinical MRIs are at most 3 Tesla, and Xu said, 'To the best of our knowledge, this uses ultra-high-resolution MRI to study microvascular changes in the brain due to migraine, particularly the perivascular space.' 'Because 7-Tesla MRI can produce brain images with much higher resolution and quality than other MRIs, it can be used to look at the smaller changes that occur in brain tissue after a migraine headache.' said.

Analyzes showed that patients with migraine, whether chronic or recurrent, had significantly enlarged perivascular spaces in the central semi-ovule compared to controls. I was. 'Such changes have not been reported in the past,' Xu said.

In addition, it was confirmed that

white matter hyperintensity (white matter hyperintensity) , in which the tissue is oxygen deficient due to insufficient blood flow in the cerebral white matter, is more severe in deep areas in migraine patients. These results suggest that expansion of the perivascular space may lead to more white matter lesions.

From this result, the research team proposes the hypothesis that problems with lymphatic vessels, which interact with blood vessels and drain waste products from the brain, may be related to migraines. However, more research is needed to know whether these changes influence migraine development or are attributed to it.

``The findings may be helpful for larger studies looking at how changes in the brain's microvessels and blood supply affect different types of migraines,'' Xu said. Ultimately, it could help us develop new, personalized methods for diagnosing and treating migraine headaches.'

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik