I tried pizzara `` Kanimayo Gratin '' where you can enjoy red snow crab with mayonnaise flavor

Delivery pizza Pizzala has released `` Crab Mayo Gratin '' as a new winter product from November 1, 2022 (Tuesday). 'Crab mayo gratin' is a creamy 'special club sauce' with condensed crab flavor and a flavorful piece that uses plenty of 'red snow crab', so I actually ordered 'crab mayo gratin'. I tried it.

Exciting winter! The ban on pizzeria crabs has been lifted! ! 'Crab Mayo Gratin Yokubari Quarter' and other new menu items! |Press release from Four Seas Co., Ltd.


The pizza has arrived.

This time I ordered 'Crab mayo gratin' in L size. The fabric is 'hand toss'.

'Crab mayo gratin' is topped with red snow crab, mayonnaise, penne, mushrooms and corn.

This is the loosened red snow crab topping.

When I tried it, the taste of mayonnaise and mushrooms was strong, but I lost to those tastes, and I could hardly feel the flavor of red snow crab, which is the appealing point. However, the texture of the scattered penne and corn is accented, and it goes well with the sticky texture of the hand-tossed dough. Sprinkle the herbs separately, and the scent will stand out even more.

Pizzara `` Crab Mayo Gratin '' can be ordered from Tuesday, November 1, 2022, and the price is 2280 yen including tax for P size with a diameter of 22.8 cm, M size with a diameter of 25.4 cm is 2680 yen, and L with a diameter of 33.0 cm. The size is 4080 yen. In addition, the 'Crab Mayo Gratin Yokubari Quarter ', which combines the standard menu ' Mochi Mentaiko ', ' 3 Kinds of Meat Mix ', and ' Fresh Tomato & Basil ' with the new 'Crab Mayo Gratin', is 2480 yen including tax for M size and L size. The size can be ordered at 3780 yen.

in Tasting, Posted by log1r_ut