'Cargo Sous Terrain' project to transport freight in a dedicated underground tunnel

The first phase project of ' Cargo Sous Terrain ' to install a new dedicated freight transport tunnel underground instead of the existing road and rail network that is difficult to expand in the future because it already transports a large number of freight and passengers It will be started.

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Cargo sous terrain beginnt mit der Umsetzung

Switzerland Moves Ahead With Underground Autonomous Cargo Delivery-IEEE Spectrum

The 'Cargo Sous Terrain' concept of constructing an underground tunnel connecting cities throughout Switzerland and transporting freight with an automatic delivery cart was announced in 2016. As of 2016, Switzerland is expected to see a 45% increase in freight traffic over the next 15 years, which is one of the possible methods due to the lack of infrastructure to accommodate the growth. ..

The estimated construction cost is as high as 3.4 billion dollars (about 408.0 billion yen at the rate at the time of announcement), and even if funds can be secured, construction will be realized as early as 2030, and it is considered unlikely that it will be realized. However, in 2021, the Swiss Parliament passed the 'Underground Freight Law' required to realize this project, and the 'Cargo Sous Terrain' project was promoted.

According to the plan, the tunnel will be installed 50m underground and 6m wide.

The first section is a total length of 66.7 km between the distribution center of Härkingen and Niederbipp in the northeast of Bern and Zurich. Eventually, it will be connected to Lucerne and Geneva.

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