The Pakistani government has asked the people to 'reduce the amount of tea they drink because imports are too expensive,' and what are the responses of each country suffering from high prices?

In the

news , it is often talked about that the prices of imported goods are soaring due to the depreciation of the yen since the beginning of 2022. The situation where depreciation of currencies and high prices are affecting people's lives and finances is the same in many countries other than Japan, and the government of Pakistan, the world's largest importer of black tea, told the people 'the amount of tea to drink per day'. I want you to reduce it. '

Watch: Pakistan minister asks people to cut down on tea because… | World News --Hindustan Times

Pakistanis told to drink less tea as nation grapples with economic crisis --CNN

Cutting trade War tariffs on China imports could lower US inflation | Fortune

Singapore imports 90% of its food — how is it coping with inflation?

Pakistan's Federal Minister for Planning and Development, Arsan Ikubal, told reporters on June 14, 2022, 'Because imports are burdening the government's finances, Pakistani people will consume 1 tea. I want you to reduce one or two cups a day. ' Mr. Ikubal explained that the Pakistani government is in debt to import tea as the basis for the request. He also said that restaurants should close their stores early to save electricity.


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Pakistan, which has a population of 220 million, is the world's largest importer of black tea, and the import value of black tea in 2020 will reach 640 million dollars (about 86 billion yen). However, Pakistan's central bank's foreign exchange reserves fell from $ 16.3 billion at the end of February 2022 to $ 10 billion in May. The Pakistani government, which wants to reduce spending as much as possible, is also nervous about the value of tea imports.

In response to the request of Minister Ikubal, there were a series of posts on the Internet by Pakistani people who questioned, 'Isn't it water to burnt stones to save the country's financial crisis even if we reduce the amount of tea we drink?' A Twitter user said, 'In Pakistan, it became a netmeem that an Indian Air Force pilot detained by the Pakistani army said,'Pakistan's tea is wonderful,' but apparently that wasn't wrong.' comment.

A tweet blaming 'Is it going to halve the roti and halve the tea to drink?'

'His Excellency Ikubal, we are trying to fast, but 500 years have been exciting to your vision of the future, that you should stop eating and drinking in the first place,' the ironic tweet. There was also.

The price of imported goods is a headache for the United States, the world's largest economy. 'The Biden administration is in the process of reviewing tariffs on China, which was initiated by former President Trump,' the economic magazine Fortune reported on June 23.

Since 2018 under the Trump administration, the United States has been tariffing on Chinese imports, saying that 'China is doing fraud such as dumping to give its own products an advantage and urging foreign companies to pass technology.' Is imposing. In response to this, China also imposed tariffs on American products, and the friction between the two countries developed into a situation called a trade war .

However, the United States has been hit by record inflation in recent years, and there are growing voices saying that prices should be stopped by lowering the import costs of electronic devices, automobiles, steel, etc. 'We are considering restructuring some of the tariffs to make them more reasonable and reduce unnecessary burdens,' Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in an interview with the media. , Suggested that it is considering easing tariffs on Chinese products.

In an island country with scarce natural resources like Japan, especially in Singapore, which relies on imports for more than 90% of its food, neighboring Malaysia has stopped exporting chicken to stabilize food prices, and Russia has said. Soaring prices of imported foods are putting a lot of pressure on households against the backdrop of a sharp drop in food production in what is known as the 'European grain zone' due to the invasion of Ukraine.

According to the Singapore Monetary Authority and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the food inflation rate in May 2022 was 4.5% year -on-year, up from 4.1% in April. With 3.3% in March, food prices are accelerating in the country.

According to Remus Seow, owner of Singapore's restaurant Fukudon, which offers Japanese rice bowls, the purchase price of cooking oil, eggs, meat, etc. has increased by 30-45% in Singapore since the beginning of 2022. It's gone. Therefore, Fukudon raised the price for the first time since it opened in 2020, but Mr. Seow said, 'If we continue to raise the price as it is, 20-35% of regular customers may not come anymore.' Was recruited.

To reduce reliance on imported foods, the Singaporean government has begun a “ 30 by 30 ” initiative to raise the nutritional food self-sufficiency rate to 30% by 2030. However, it is unknown whether the target can be achieved by the preference of Singaporeans who emphasize natural foods and dislike novel foods such as genetically modified crops and cultured meat, and the measures so far that have neglected agriculture.

Dil Rahut, a senior researcher at the Asian Development Bank Institute, said, 'Singapore's goal is very difficult to achieve because the food self-sufficiency rate is only about 10%, even though there are less than 10 years left until 2030. It will be difficult for me, 'he warned.

in Food, Posted by log1l_ks