Analysis reveals that the extinct species 'Megalodon' was the strongest creature that reigned at the top of the ancient sea

A new survey result was reported that analyzed the teeth of the already extinct shark '
Cenozoic megatooth sharks occupied extremely high trophic positions
New Analysis of Fearsome Teeth Confirms Megalodons Were'Highest Level' Apex Predators
Since the skeleton of sharks is made from cartilage, no fossils of the body of megalodon, a type of shark, have been found. However, since shark teeth remain as fossils, the shape of the extinct megalodon is speculated from the fossil teeth that have been discovered.
Research teams in the United States and the United Kingdom noted that 'organisms in which nitrogen-15 is accumulated in the body are organisms located at the top of the food chain.' After measuring nitrogen isotopes from the tooth enamel of megalodon, using nitrogen measurements obtained from modern marine animals, megalodon comprehensively 'where was the food chain of marine organisms?' I evaluated it.
Analysis revealed that high levels of nitrogen-15 were detected in the teeth of Megalodon and were at the top of the food chain at the time.
One of the megalodon teeth used in the analysis

The food chain of marine organisms is likely to be more extensive than that of terrestrial organisms, as it contains microbes such as phytoplankton. Researchers who analyzed Megalodon's teeth claim that the food chain of ancient marine organisms had higher trophic levels that no longer exist, where Megalodon was located. Danny Sigman, a geoscientist at Princeton University who was involved in the research, said, 'If megarodons lived in the modern ocean, the modern marine environment and human interaction would have been completely different. Let's do it. '
Emma Cust, a bio-earth scientist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who participated in the study, said, 'We are the largest predators of modern earth species such as blue whales, whale sharks, and even elephants and diprodocas. I'm used to thinking of them as filter feeders and herbivores, but megarodons and megatooth sharks are giant carnivores that are more nutritious than eating animals like those located on existing predators. ' He says.
The research team speculates that Megalodon sharks, including Megalodon, 'would have eaten whatever they wanted,' even if they were at the top of the food chain of modern marine life. He said he couldn't resist. As to why such an absolute predator Megalodon has become extinct, the research team speculates that 'perhaps another species of shark has finally succeeded in defeating Megalodon.'
The research team plans to analyze the teeth of mammals and dinosaurs in addition to marine organisms using the custom-made nitrogen peroxide extraction system used to analyze the teeth of Megalodon.
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