After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia's cyber attacks target a total of 43 countries, 63% of which are NATO member countries.

Microsoft's data science team has released the results of an investigation into the threat situation in the ongoing war in Ukraine. New information is revealed, including Russia's increased cyberattacks and espionage in alliance governments, nonprofits and other organizations outside Ukraine.

Defending Ukraine: Early Lessons from the Cyber War --Microsoft_Defending Ukraine_Early Lessons from the Cyber War.pdf
(PDF file)

Defending Ukraine: Early Lessons from the Cyber War --Microsoft On the Issues

Russian hackers targeting US, other Ukraine allies --POLITICO

According to the findings, Russia has attempted to hack dozens of networks in 42 countries other than Ukraine since it launched its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, with about 29% of successful attacks. It was said that it was. One-quarter of the organizations investigated by Microsoft have been found to have leaked data due to hacking.

The main target was an American organization, but it was said that attacks on neighboring countries such as Finland, Sweden, the Baltic states and Turkey were also actively carried out. It is also clear that 63% of the total targeted NATO member countries. Almost half of the attacks targeted governments, with 12% targeting non-governmental organizations that provided foreign policy or humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Other targets were the IT, energy and defense industries.

In the United States, following the spread of hacking damage by Russia, the Pentagon has requested a budget of $ 11.2 billion for cyberspace activities,

which was approved by the House Expenditure Committee. This figure is up 8% from the previous year, mainly because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The defense budget bill including this budget will be passed at the plenary session in the future, but the defense budget in 2023 will be 761 billion dollars (about 103 trillion yen), and the budget for the previous year will be 33.2 billion dollars (4.5 trillion yen). ) It is higher than that, and it can be seen that active defense activities are being developed.

Also, according to Microsoft, Russia was engaged not only in hacking but also in expanding propaganda that would hinder each country's support for Ukraine. Microsoft has developed a new index to measure user traffic to Russian state-owned and sponsored news in traffic to all news sites, and Russia's propaganda has increased by 216% in Ukraine and 82% in the United States since the invasion. It is said that he found out that he was there.

'Ukraine's lessons call for a coordinated and comprehensive strategy to strengthen defenses against destructive cyberattacks, espionage and range of influence,' Microsoft said in publishing its findings. He emphasized the importance of intergovernmental and public-private partnerships in defense strategies.

in Security, Posted by log1p_kr