The 'mystery circle' created by just two people with an overnight prank still attracts people from all over the world.

The '
Crop Circles Were Made by Supernatural Forces. Named Doug and Dave. --The New York Times
An example of a crop circle looks like this. Countless circles are lined up closely and regularly, creating a mysterious pattern.

Below is a photo of another crop circle taken from a close distance. The crops growing in the field are round and cleanly knocked down. Also, if you look closely, you can see that the crops do not fall randomly, but fall along the concentric circles from the center of the circle.

On September 9, 1991, in the front page of the British newspaper Today, under the heading 'Men who conned the world,' Bauer and Chorie were 200 in the past. I confessed that I had created more than one crop circle.
Since the late 1970s, Mr. Bauer realized that he could easily create a crop circle by preparing a board with ropes on both ends, fixing the rope to something like a stake in a field, and stepping on the crop with the board. It was said that. Graham Brow, a reporter who interviewed Mr. Bauer and Mr. Chorley at the time, checked the design materials of more than 200 crop circles stored in the hut behind Mr. Bauer's house, and their confession is true. It seems that he confirmed that.
En 1991, Doug Bower et Dave Chorley ont avoué… et prouvé qu'ils étaient les farceurs en faisant un crop circle devant une foule et devant une caméra.
— Citizen4Science (@ Citizen4Sci) November 4, 2021
La blague avait com mencé en 1976
⤵️ 4/5
Mr. Brow said, 'I spent a week showing how they created crop circles, but I've never laughed so much. At that time, it was said that aliens landed. But it all started when the two guys drank a couple of drinks in their favorite pub and then went out in the middle of the night to play pranks. '
At first, Pat Delgado, the author of ' Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops Phenomenon ,' which was a best-selling collection of photographs and findings from numerous crop circles, said, 'It's definitely a non-human altitude. It was made by an intelligent life form, 'but he said that he soon realized that they were the culprit when Mr. Brow met Mr. Bauer and Mr. Choly. Mr. Delgado was heading to the interview as soon as he heard that a new crop circle had been created, but he remembered that the audience had two faces each time, saying, 'What a hell! So you two were always on the scene. I heard that he shouted.
Mr. Bauer and Mr. Chorley, who became known as the creators of the crop circles that made a noise all over the world, retired from the crop circle writer at that time because they were already in their 60s and felt their physical limits. At the time of writing the article, Rob Arding, who made his debut as an artist by imitating the two 'work', formed a conceptual art group with a few friends and is creating a crop circle. ..
At the time of writing, Mr. Arding, a lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire, said, 'We received batons from Mr. Bauer and Mr. Chorley and became the most active group to form crop circles. The power of art was born from mystery and Bauer. The two regretted their name because their confession lost their mystery. '
However, the impact of crop circles is still strong even in 2022, and it seems that the group of Mr. Arding and others may undertake the production of crop circles as advertisements from famous brand companies. Also, when the work is completed, it will contact the drone photographer and it seems that a system is in place to publish it on the Internet immediately.
On the other hand, crop circles spoil the crops in the fields, so it's true that some people don't like it. 'It's too irresponsible to trespass and destroy food in the global wheat shortage,' said a farmer who spoke anonymously to the New York Times. In fact, in November 2000, a crop circle writer took a picture of himself invading a field and creating a crop circle to prove the claim that crop circles are artificial rather than aliens. Was sent to a UFO researcher, and he was reported to the police and was charged.
Colin Andrews, who co-authored the book with Delgado, told Delgado that it was the work of humans: 'Crop circles are no longer seen in Britain but around the world, and the two are believed to be the culprit. No, 'he said, and appealed to withdraw the statement that Mr. Bauer and Mr. Choly admitted to be the culprit.
Andrews first saw crop circles in July 1983, invented the word 'crop circle', which means crop circles in English, sold hundreds of thousands of books on crop circles alone, and gave lectures around the world. It seems that he was doing activities, but after Mr. Bauer and Mr. Choly confessed, the request for lectures was cut off.
Mr. Andrews claimed that 'a crop circle was created by the change of the earth's magnetism' in the 1980s, but at the time of writing the article, 'the earth is heading for chaos' by 'God or higher nature'. It seems that the message is the mystery circle. Andrews asked, 'Where is the evidence that all crop circles are artificial? Even if the crop circles are artificial, the person making them is an autonomous, non-human spirit. Was prompted by. '
“This is a first for memorabilia of the crop circle phenomena” --Colin Andrews
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Jeffrey Wilson, founder of the American Crop Circle Researchers Association, denies Andrews' theory that 'mystery circles are created by divine inspiration' as having no scientific basis. One in five crop circles found around the world is not human-made. '
'Non-artificial circles are recognizable by high radiation doses and changes in plants,' said Wilson, a former Ohio science teacher and data analyst. It is said that he leads 40 volunteers and investigates crop circles every time witness information comes out, but it seems that there has been no field survey since September 2012.
Stephen Rwandowski, a psychology professor at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, points out that the popularity of crop circles is underpinned by conspiracy-theoretic recognition. With the advent of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, various conspiracy theories have been disseminated, and it is a problem that many people are newly absorbed in conspiracy theories, but Mr. Rwandowski said, 'What will happen? Instead of admitting that they can't control the world they live in, some people blame them for 'mass shootings made up by actors' and '5G that caused the pandemic of the new coronavirus.' I believe that there are governmental organizations and individuals that should be there, and I am getting peace of mind. It took several years for the mystery circle to spread all over the world, but with the Internet, my thoughts spread instantly. ' ..
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