Experts warn about 'IPv6 +' that China is proposing for developing countries, 'Be careful because it is similar to IPv6.'

IP addresses, which are like addresses on the Internet, are being called for

the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, and the transition to IPv6 is progressing all over the world. Meanwhile, it was reported that China is promoting the introduction of 'IPv6 +' as an extended version of IPv6 to developing countries. Experts have warned that IPv6 and IPv6 + are completely different protocols, although their names are sloppy.

China rebrands proposal on internet governance, targeting developing countries –

IPv6 is a protocol formulated against the background of the IPv4 address exhaustion problem, and the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is progressing all over the world. However, the degree of transition to IPv6 varies from region to region, and it has been reported that the transition is slow and slow.

Meanwhile, Huawei, a major Chinese technology company, announced the development of a 'new Internet protocol' in 2019, and announced IPv6 + in 2022. About this IPv6 +, Huawei is appealing on the official website as 'an IPv6 upgraded protocol'.

In addition, Huawei cites wide bandwidth, low delay, and high security as features of IPv6 +.

You can check Huawei's introduction page about IPv6 + at the following link.

IPv6 +, Intelligent connectivity infinity

The Chinese government called for the introduction of IPv6 + as an amendment to the resolution adopted at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regular meeting held in Rwanda in June 2022. According to a document obtained by the overseas media EURACTIV, the Chinese government has 'efficiently allocate information throughout the network', 'enables the organization of network resources by integrating with other technologies', and 'innovative solution' for IPv6 +. It is said that it mentions points such as 'integration of.'

Mehwish Ansari, head of ARTICLE 19 , a non-profit organization on human rights in digital, said, 'China's proposal to developing countries to introduce IPv6 + meets the needs of developing countries concerned about widening disparities with developed countries. It's a smart strategy to match. If developing countries accept IPv6 +, Huawei will be able to participate in numerous infrastructure projects in developing countries. ”The expansion of IPv6 + could bring great benefits to Huawei. Mention.

Also, Mallory Knodel, technical director of the nonprofit Center for Democracy and Technology , noted that IPv6 + is a protocol developed by Huawei, 'IPv6 + is an international technical standard like IPv6. It was developed by a company, not a company. Advertising by China is a misleading'marketing language', 'he said, complaining that China is promoting IPv6 + as a technical standard.

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