Data center fires with 3.6 million sites dropped could be due to water leaks


fire broke out at the facility of the French cloud computing service 'OVH' in March 2021, affecting many websites and services, and the cause of the fire may have been a water leak. A user of the French online forum points out.

Rapport d'enquête BEA-RI sur l'incendie du datacenter OVH de Strasbourg en 2021

In the fire that broke out at the OVH data center in Strasbourg, France in March 2021, the results of an investigation stating that 'lack of equipment is the cause of the spread of damage' have been announced.

Data center with 3.6 million sites dropped The cause of the spread of fire damage is lack of equipment --GIGAZINE

On June 8, 2022, a user of wrote, 'Isn't a water leak in the electronic board of the inverter the cause of the fire?'

According to the post, a (PDF file) document released by the French investigative authority, Bureau of Industrial Risk Research and Analysis (Bureau d'enquêtes et d'analyses sur les risques industriels: BEA-RI), states that the facility was located shortly before the fire broke out. It is reported that the humidity inside is rising.

Below are the temperature (top) and humidity (bottom) measurements of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that broke out. It has been shown that both temperature and humidity have risen sharply after midnight.

And the video image of OVH showed that the fire broke out from the UPS at around 0:35.

At the same time, a fire broke out from the battery room, which is a separate room from the UPS. Regarding this, BEA-RI said, 'Video surveillance system and fire inspection revealed that the UPS and the battery connected to it had an electrical failure. The UPS and the battery were not in the same room.' It explains.

BEA-RI has not identified the cause of the UPS failure, but along with the hypotheses such as 'failure due to maintenance work performed on the morning of the day' and 'operation of the UPS outside the normal operating range', 'there is a cooling device nearby'. , This caused water and moisture. '

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks