A new type of cup ice 'Cheese Terrine Ice' tasting review where you can enjoy a thick cheese sauce and a fluffy cheesecake at the same time

' Cheese Terrine Ice ', a cup ice cream full of cheese with moist cheesecake, rich cheese ice cream, and fragrant cheese sauce, has been released since May 23, 2022. Cheesecake contains white bean paste, and you can enjoy the moist texture even in the frozen state, so I actually tried it and checked the taste.

'Cheese Terrine Ice' Release Information | News Release | Imuraya Co., Ltd.


I found the cheese terrine ice cream I was looking for at the ice cream corner of a convenience store. The blue package is a landmark.

I bought it and brought it back.

The type of cheese terrine ice cream is ice cream, which contains 6.9% non-fat milk solids, 8.1% milk fat, and 1.0% egg fat. In addition, raw materials include dairy products, margarine, raw bean paste, etc.

The calorie per piece is 215 kcal.

When I opened the lid, a brown cheese sauce covered the surface.

I was curious about the contents, so I cut the cup in half with a kitchen knife. Cheese terrine ice cream has a three-layer structure, with cheesecake, cheese ice cream, and cheese sauce stacked in order from the bottom. The cheesecake layer has a thick bulge in the center.

When you try it, the cheese sauce that covers the surface has a very net-like texture, and you can feel the sweetness and sourness of the cheese as well as the fragrant flavor. On the other hand, the cheese ice cream is characterized by its refreshing sweetness.

If you dig up near the center with a spoon, a cheesecake will appear. The bottom of the cheesecake has a brown grilled texture, giving it a fluffy texture that you can't think of as part of a cup of ice cream. Also, since the cheesecake layer is the thickest in the center and becomes thinner as it spreads outward, the ratio of the three layers changes depending on the eating position, such as 'a part with a strong net texture' and 'a part where you can enjoy a fluffy texture'. I was able to enjoy a variety of textures with one cup of ice cream.

The reference retail price of Cheese Terrine Ice is 205 yen including tax, and it can be purchased at mass retailers, supermarkets, CVS, and drug stores nationwide from May 23, 2022 (Monday).

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1o_hf