Research results show that China is 'extracting the heart from a convict on death row before execution'

The results of a study in China that 'there is a suspicion that a heart removal operation has been performed on a prisoner before the execution of the death penalty' was published in the peer-reviewed journal 'American Journal of Transplantation' by the American Association of Transplant Surgeons and the Transplant Society. .. This study suggests that Chinese surgeons may have effectively executed the death penalty.

Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China --Robertson ---- American Journal of Transplantation --Wiley Online Library

Chinese surgeons “acted as executioners under state orders” --ANU

Chinese medics killed death row inmates by taking hearts: Report | Death Penalty News | Al Jazeera

Chinese Doctors Have Executed Prisoners by Removing Their Hearts: Study

Jacob Lavie and colleagues at the Australian National University have newly pointed out that cardiac surgery for death row prisoners is suspected to be rampant in China. A paper written by Lavie et al. Continues surgery in China that violates the basic ethics of organ removal surgery for brain-dead donors, saying that 'important organs that kill living donors should not be removed.' It suggests the possibility of coming.

Ravi et al. Conducted a survey on 2838 Chinese papers on transplant surgery to determine whether the above-mentioned 'brain death determination', which is a problem during organ removal, was properly performed. As a result, we found that there is clear evidence that lung and heart removal surgery was performed in 71 of them, even though the brain death judgment was not performed properly.

According to Lavie et al., Such evidence was so obvious that it was surprising. Mr. Lavie et al. Explained that the reason why such organ removal surgery is performed is 'because it is very profitable', and for the organ removal surgery that was the subject of this analysis, the operation was performed without brain death judgment. I don't know if it was done, but he said that there could be a scenario such as 'I brought it to the operating room and removed the organ immediately after executing the firing squad.'

China passed a law in 2015 that 'prohibits the removal of organs from prisoners', and all of these papers relate to surgery performed before the law was enacted in 1980-2015, but since this law was enacted. However, because the waiting period required when requesting organ transplant surgery at a Chinese state hospital is too short compared to the United States, Mr. Lavie et al. 'Believe that organ removal from death prisoners is still ongoing.' I am commenting.

Regarding organ transplantation in China, a report was released in 2019 that the act of forcibly removing organs from members of the religious group 'Falun Gong' had been rampant throughout China for many years.

Forced removal of organs rampant in China, targeting 'Falun Gong' Research organization reports 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log