It is revealed that Meta's business partner was doing 'a trick to damage TikTok's reputation'

It was revealed that Targeted Victory, a consulting firm that traded with Facebook's parent company Meta, was lobbying to disappoint Facebook and Instagram rivals TikTok. Targeted Victory was reported to have consulted the media to urge TikTok to be dangerous, and to create inappropriate trends himself to raise congressional attention.

Facebook paid Republican strategy firm to malign TikTok --The Washington Post

According to the Washington Post, which reported the matter, Targeted Victory created a document called 'Bad TikTok Clips' that contains links to news articles of unknown origin that describe TikTok as 'TikTok is dangerous for teens.' He said he was spreading negative information about TikTok. As an example, an article about the ' Devious lick ' challenge in which students steal or destroy school assets, which was popular on TikTok from around September 2021, was spread by Targeted Victory.

In addition, Targeted Victory is reported to have spread this kind of dangerous trend on its own, creating a situation where lawmakers are forced to take action. Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, who saw the trend heavily, described TikTok as 'used to encourage harmful and destructive behavior' in September 2021 and addressed TikTok's executives to the Senate subcommittee. I am sending a letter calling for testimony at the meeting.

Targeted Victory was also reportedly involved in spreading the 'Slap a Teacher' challenge that was raised among school officials in October 2021. The challenge was allegedly prevalent on TikTok, but research shows that the challenge wasn't done on TikTok and that the source of the rumors was a Facebook post.

The number of downloads of TikTok operated by Chinese company ByteDance exceeded Facebook in 2020, and it has grown into a popular app mainly for young people. Also, from inside Facebook information, the company recognized that 'TikTok is used 2-3 times more than Instagram among young people, and Facebook's popularity is declining', and felt that the existence of TikTok was a threat. It has become clear.

Targeted Victory, which has connections with dozens of public relations companies, was originally launched as a Republican digital consulting firm. It is reported that the company effectively promoted anti-TikTok through lobbying activities such as supporting the publication of editorials about TikTok in local news and getting the endorsement of lawmakers in the editorials. Meta's lobbying costs are estimated to be $ 2010 million in 2021, but it's unclear how much of that was paid to Targeted Victory.

Targeted Victory CEO Zack Moffat tweeted in a Washington Post report that he 'misunderstood our work,' that the company is a bipartisan team and worked with Meta for several years. I explained that it is public.

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr