Ukrainian folklore often overcomes difficulties and becomes a victor, while Russian folklore often waits and gets lucky.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, overturns the previous expectation that the capital Kyiv (Kiev) would fall in a few days. There are various possible factors for this result, but there is a theory that the differences in 'folklore (folk tales)' transmitted to each country may have created cultural differences between Ukrainians and Russians. I am.
How fairy tales shape fighting spirit: Ukraine's children hear bedtime stories of underdog heroes, while Russian children hear tales of magical success

Sophia Moscarenko, an expert in 'Psychology of Fairy Tales' at Georgia State University, and Mia Bloom, who is also studying how children behave violently at Georgia State University, said they grew up and grew up. It explains the magnitude of the power of 'tradition' that is fulfilled while forming the world view.
Speaking of Ukrainian folklore, sober people such as 'Котигорошко (Kotygoroshko)', 'Кирило кожум'яка (Kyrylo Kozhumyaka)', and 'Iвасик-Телесик (Ivasyk Telesyk)' are challenged and difficult. There are many things that change from the weak to the winner. The hero cannot be a hero at first, but he overcomes difficulties with courage, wisdom, and guts.
On the other hand, in Russian folklore, younger brother characters such as 'Ivan the Fool' often play the leading role. Ivan usually has multiple brothers, one is excellent and the other brothers are average. Ivan is portrayed as inferior to his brothers, or when he is not a fool, he is portrayed as a lazy person in bed while his brothers are working hard.
'Царевна Лягушка (Frog Princess)', 'Сивка-Бурка (Sifka Bourka)', 'По щучьему веленью (At the Pike's Behest)', etc. However, instead of winning by their own virtues, mysterious beings such as frogs, horses, and fish bring credit to the hero.
Mr. Moscarenko and Mr. Bloom point out that Russian folklore suggests that 'not too smart like my brother, not too hard, and waiting still while expecting magic' is the secret to success. .. He states that this may have contributed to the difference between the Ukrainian and Russian troops, as what they have learned from these folklore can determine their behavior when they face a crisis as an adult.
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