Why do people eat the same thing every morning?

In recent years, it has been said that 'it is better to eat breakfast well' and 'get fat if you skip breakfast', and the importance of breakfast is emphasized, but even people who eat breakfast every day do the same every day. You may just eat it. Research results have been published on the question, 'Why do people eat the same thing every day for breakfast only?'

Why do people eat the same breakfast every day? Goals and circadian rhythms of variety seeking in meals --ScienceDirect


Why do you usually eat the same thing for breakfast? | Live Science

Many people choose simple and easy breakfasts, and tend to choose a fixed combination of toast and fried egg, cereal and milk, rice and miso soup. 'I'm French and I want diversity in what I eat, which is appreciated by the French gastronomic community,' said Romain Cadario , who studies human behavior at Erasmus Rotterdam University in the Netherlands. But at the same time, I always eat the same breakfast. ' In addition, Mr. Cadario's breakfast is often 'coffee and toast'.

So Cadario started talking to Professor Carey Morewedge , who studies human cognition and judgment at Boston University in the United States, about the question, 'Why do people eat the same breakfast every day?' In addition, Mr. Morewedge seems to have been having a breakfast called 'coffee, toast, almond butter, avocado, spinach, protein powder, banana smoothie' for about two years.

One of the reasons why so many people eat the same thing for breakfast is the influence of

circadian rhythms that govern various human behaviors and physiological phenomena. Circadian rhythms are known to affect physiological phenomena such as waking up in the morning and getting sleepy at night, as well as mentally. Therefore, the two conducted a survey thinking that 'psychological factors based on circadian rhythms may be related to dietary variations.'

The two first analyzed dietary content and patterns from past survey data of 1275 Americans and 2624 French. The analysis found that an average of 68% of people in both groups ate the same for breakfast at least twice a week. In addition, the ratio was 52% for Americans and 73% for French, and it seems that there was a difference depending on the country. In contrast, 16% of Americans ate the same thing more than once a week for dinner, compared to only 6% of French.

Regarding the fact that many people eat the same thing as breakfast, in the paper, 'Capitalist labor practices allow many people to spend less time choosing, preparing and consuming breakfast than lunch or dinner.' It is stated. Also, in the general circadian rhythm, there are many things that people should pay attention to immediately after waking up in the morning, and there is a possibility that they will choose a simple meal so that their thoughts are not divided as much as possible.

In addition, the research team thought that the change in psychological state according to the circadian rhythm might be related to the tendency to eat the same thing for breakfast, and conducted a questionnaire to 199 people recruited online. rice field. From the results of the questionnaire, it was also found that the 'degree of seeking joy in meals' increased in the order of breakfast [lunch [dinner], and the degree of seeking joy in breakfast was relatively small.

Live Science, a scientific media outlet, said, 'Early in an energetic day, people tend to pursue and choose more practical goals, which makes them more practical than happy when eating breakfast. If you feel better and find one of your favorite breakfasts, you're more likely to eat the same thing over and over again, but as the days go by and people's energy gradually diminishes, the importance of practical goals is important. Is reduced. Seeking happiness is more important, and there is a stronger tendency to seek a variety of tastes and textures. '

Analysis of the survey data also reveals that holiday breakfasts, which are expected to be more enjoyable, have a more diverse menu than weekdays. In this regard, Cadario argues that by consciously increasing the variety of menus even on weekday breakfasts, breakfast will be more enjoyable and the day will be more positive. “A little fun in the morning can help you start your day comfortably,” said Cadario.

in Science,   Junk Food, Posted by log1h_ik