Apple's official map lists Crimea as part of Ukraine, Google and Russia's map services?

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine progresses, it has become a hot topic that Apple's official map app has changed the notation of Crimea as part of Ukraine. I was wondering how the map app operated by Russian and Chinese companies handles Crimea, so I actually searched for it.

Apple Maps now marks Crimea as part of Ukraine outside Russia

Even after Russia declared the merger of Crimea in 2014, Western countries including Japan and Ukraine have not allowed the merger of Crimea. However, it was reported that Apple removed the border between Crimea and Russia on Apple's genuine map app in 2019.

However, on March 3, 2022, it was confirmed that there was a change to describe Crimea as part of Ukraine. Actually, as of March 4, 2022, if you search for 'Crimea' in the Apple genuine map app, the country name is written as 'Ukraine' as shown below.

On the other hand, when I

searched for 'crimea' in the map service of the Russian company Yandex, it was described as 'Russia' under the notation 'Republic of Crimea'.

Next, when I displayed the city of Crimea 'Sinferopol (Simferopol)' on the map service of the Chinese company Hyakudo, 'Katsumi (Ukraine)' was

displayed in the country name part.

When I

searched for 'Crimea' on Google Maps, the name was 'Crimea', and while the border between Ukraine and Crimea was marked with a broken line, there was no border between Russia and Russia. ..

At the time of writing the article, if you check the weather in Crimea with the genuine Apple weather app, it will be displayed as 'Weather in Crimea Ukraine'.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf