Why do wisdom teeth grow up after they grow up?
The tooth that is said to have been named because it grows at a time when parents do not know it is 'wisdom tooth'. Live Science, a science news site, explains the mystery of wisdom teeth that grows much later than milk teeth and permanent teeth.
Why do wisdom teeth come in so late? | Live Science
Regarding the origin of wisdom teeth in Japanese, 'because they grow when they die from their parents' and 'because they grow after they start brushing their teeth, not when they need to brush their teeth by hand'. There is a different theory such as 'because it grows suddenly unlike permanent teeth that have parents called deciduous teeth', but in English it grows around the age when things can be discerned, so it is called 'wisdom teeth'. Is called. Wisdom teeth are usually painful as they grow, so it is common to remove them by tooth extraction in modern times.
Regarding the mystery of 'why wisdom teeth do not grow in childhood?', A
In addition to the theory that space is a problem, there is also a theory that 'wisdom teeth are teeth that are supposed to be used as backups.' According to Stephen Kempferman, a dentist at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, ancients use wisdom teeth if for some reason they lose or wear their teeth, and they use their main teeth. The time to lose was mainly around 20 years old. According to Kempferman, the maxillary second molars that grow around the age of 12 also serve as a backup in the event of tooth loss due to tooth decay.
Not all people have wisdom teeth extracted, and some leave them unattended, but as they get older, their gums recede, which can lead to problems with wisdom teeth that were hidden when they were young. I have. 'Some people criticize dentists for making money when they try to get rid of wisdom teeth, but if you look at even a few X-rays of teenagers, you can see that it's definitely necessary to get rid of wisdom teeth,' Kempferman said. That's it. '
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log