What is 'Giant Pyrosome', a giant creature that emits light on the seabed and can live forever?

Giant Pyrosome --Ocean
You can see what kind of creature Giant Pyrosome is by watching the following movie.
SHOCKING: Giant Pyrosome Wide Enough to Fit Human | Oceana --YouTube
Pyrosome is written in English as 'Pyrosome', which means 'body of fire (pyro) (soma)' in Greek, and as the name suggests, Giant Pyrosome shining at the bottom of the sea is confirmed in the picture below. I can do it. According to Oceana, Giant Pyrosome's luminescence lasts longer than other Pyrosomes.

A close look at the Giant Pyrosome colony reveals a myriad of small individuals.

The Giant Pyrosome colony is tubular and reaches a length of 18 m, and its diameter is so large that humans can easily enter it.

The individual plankton that form the colony can continue to grow alone even if they are separated from the colony. Therefore, Giant Pyrosome is said to survive unless all individuals die at the same time.

Giant Pyrosome can reproduce not only asexually but also sexually with another population. Oceana's Giant Pyrosome commentary movie concludes with the explanation, 'Giant Pyrosome can theoretically live forever.'
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