Report that if you follow the DMCA notice 'state the credit of the copyright holder', you may be involved in fraudulent activity

If you post content such as images on our website, you may receive a deletion notice

under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) requesting the deletion or modification of the content from the copyright holder of the content. This notice is usually made under the law, but it has been warned that a malicious person may send a fake notice.

Scam Alert: Fake DMCA Takedown for Link Insertion --Stephen Foskett, Pack Rat

Stephen Fosquette, who runs an IT blog, was also one of the people who received a fake notice. As a content creator, Mr. Fosquette has always been careful about credit notation, but one day he received an email from a person who claims to be a lawyer saying that he is infringing copyright.

The email says, 'The image posted on your site does not show credit and infringes the copyright of the client. If you do not promptly list the URL provided here, it is legal. We will take measures. '

Fosquette points out that the email is a hybrid of 'DMCA deletion notification scams' and '

black hat SEO scams.' Black hat SEO is a method to raise the ranking of search results by listing a large number of links on low-quality websites, hidden texts and specific keywords. Google and others have been cracking down on black hat SEO from a certain point, and if it is discovered, the website will not be displayed in the search results.

Despite the fact that Google has been taking measures for a long time, Mr. Fosquette said, 'As of 2022, we will receive 5 to 10 requests every day to insert links to pay sites and affiliate program links.' I'm aware that if you insert a link accordingly, it will have a devastating impact on your hard-earned website rating.

The email that Mr. Fosquette received this time encourages him to participate in such a black hat SEO. This time, Fosquette found a number of suspicious points in his email. First, Fosquette points out that the lawyer who sent the email asked for a link instead of paying money, which is a sign of explicit fraud. It is clear that the link presented is from the official page of the smartphone app, not the original copyright holder. Also, what the lawyer has presented with a URL saying 'The image in question is this' is from Imgur, an image sharing service, and Mr. Fosquette, who has experience interacting with actual lawyers, said, 'The lawyer is like that. I knew I would never use the site. '

Copyright issues are beginning to be recognized all over the world because many people can create their own content and easily send it to the world. Mr. Foskett also paid attention to the fact that the email contains the well-known word 'DMCA' instead of a difficult legal term, perhaps because he took that wrong. 'Since the actual copyright infringement email contains a specific law on which it is based, I guess I dared to use' DMCA 'as a word that is easily recognized and anxious by people.' increase.

Also, when searching the name of the lawyer who sent the email and the website, he found a very convincing and decent website, but most of them are copies from another site and the same domain information. A number of similar sites were found by registrants.

In this case, the website of the law firm Taylor Wilson Smith Legal, the sender of the email, is below. After investigating, it turned out that some texts were quoted from the default theme of WordPress, the website construction software.

Chris Donnelly, the lawyer in charge, also described a vague background such as graduating from the non-existent 'University of San Columbia'. The facial photos posted on the site are also likely to be AI-generated, Foskett said.

'Scammers are starting to use the horrifying tactic of pretending to be a legitimate business and pretending to be a DMCA removal notice. Be careful if you receive a notice that prompts you to insert a link like this one,' Foskett said. I did.

in Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1p_kr