Ever Given enters the Suez Canal with more cargo than at the time of the accident, Egyptian authorities announce a state of emergency
Ever Given, which caused a grounding accident on March 23, 2021 and suspended vessels on the Suez Canal for six days, revisited the Suez Canal on December 12, 2021 with more cargo than at the time of the accident. Played. In response to this situation, the Suez Canal Authority is reported to have announced a state of emergency.
Emergency announced in Suez Canal as'Ever Given' container ship returns
Emergency Announced As Ever Given Ship Returns To Suez Canal
The Ever Given entered the Suez Canal on December 12, 2021, according to the Middle Eastern press, The National. The Ever Given passed through the Suez Canal in August 2021, but at that time there was no cargo. The Suez Canal Authority announced a state of emergency, saying that this revisit was the first 'passing with a container loaded' since the accident, and that the loading capacity itself was significantly higher than at the time of the accident. did.
While the Suez Canal Authority remained alert, the Ever Given, which arrived at the southern end of the Suez Canal, remained moored until permission was given, and then passed safely through the Suez Canal on the same route as at the time of the accident. The specific load capacity itself was not disclosed, but The National claims that it should have been almost full, judging from the position of the waterline.
According to The National, the Suez Canal Authority has not disclosed compensation for the damage caused by the March stranded accident, but received $ 540 million from Shoei Kisen, the owner of the Ever Given. It is said that it will amount to 61.4 billion yen). The compensation for the Ever Given grounding accident, which was such a huge amount, was reported in July 2021 as 'mostly covered by insurance.'
The Ever Given has a total length of 399.94 meters, which was one of the largest container ships in the world at the time of the accident. Ships passing through the Suez Canal that also, that continue to huge in the future outlook . To deal with this future, the Suez Canal Authority started the estuary expansion work in May 2021.
Expansion work started at the south entrance of the Suez Canal, and the area where Ever Given ran aground --GIGAZINE
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