A fierce man who made a catapult that ejects an object at a speed exceeding the speed of sound appears

A movie of a man who made his own
How to Build a Supersonic Trebuchet --YouTube
Supersonic Projectile Exceeds Engineers Dreams: The Supersonic Trebuchet | Hackaday
Sitting on the outdoor terrace is David Eid, who is trying to make a trebuchet that exceeds the speed of sound.

Mr. Eid has a toy that uses the tension of a rubber band to eject an object.

Attach the projectile while turning the arm and pulling the band ...

Press the switch.

Then, an object ejected with a tremendous force pierced the cardboard box and flew to the garden. It seems that even this toy can shoot an object at a speed of 50 m / s, so you need to be careful about the danger of hitting the human eye.
However, Mr. Eid challenged to 'inject an object at a speed exceeding the speed of sound' with a trebuchet with a similar mechanism.

Many people who make trebuchet tend to increase the size of the main body in order to increase the flight distance, but this time Mr. Eid said that he aimed to improve the rate of fire by optimizing the rotational inertia of the sling arm. That thing.

Repeat calculations and simulations ...

We have derived the optimum strength and dimensions of the parts.

In this way, Mr. Eid created a trebuchet that can eject an object at a speed of 450 m / s, which exceeds the speed of sound in calculation.

This is the completed Trebuchet. The size is quite different, but the basic concept is almost the same as the toy that first appeared.

The body is made of wood and is equipped with rubber ropes and metal sling arms.

Set the projectile on the part attached to the tip of the arm ...

By pulling the rubber and releasing the potential energy stored at once, the arm rotates rapidly.

It is a mechanism to eject the projectile by using the centrifugal force of the arm.

Actually turn the arm part lightly to pull the rubber and set the projectile at the tip.

When you let go of the hand attached to the arm ...

The projectile flew vigorously.

However, this does not reach the speed of sound at all. It's dangerous to try it in a place with a private house, so ...

I decided to take the trebuchet to an unpopular place and experiment.

After setting the projectile firmly ...

Turn the handle by hand and pull the rubber.

Measure the dimensions of the rubber ...

Pull to the extent that the speed of sound can be exceeded in theory. There is a creaking noise, and I put a lot of effort into turning the steering wheel.

The setting is finally completed.

After the '3.2.1' countdown ...

The projectile was ejected at a speed that was not noticeable.

Mr. Eid looks happy with the finish of Trebuchet.

Later, when the video taken with a high-speed camera was analyzed, the rate of fire reached 490 m / s.

Even in winter, Mr. Eid brought out a trebuchet and repeated injection experiments. Along with the shot, a 'pan' sound is heard, as if you were shooting a rifle.

Eid said it took only three weeks to design and build the Trebuchet.

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in Video, Posted by log1h_ik