A small bottle labeled 'Smallpox', which was eradicated 40 years ago, was excavated from the freezer of the laboratory and made a fuss.

On November 15, 2021, several vials labeled 'smallpox ', eradicated in 1980, were found in the freezer of the Vaccine Research Institute in Pennsylvania. Subsequent investigations have revealed that the vial in question does not contain smallpox.
Vials marked 'smallpox' contained virus used in vaccine, not smallpox virus, CDC finds --CNN
Vials Labeled'Smallpox' Are Found in Pennsylvania Laboratory --The New York Times
On November 15, 2021, a laboratory engineer cleaning a freezer accidentally found five vials labeled 'Smallpox' at a facility in Pennsylvania conducting research on vaccines. ..
Smallpox is an infectious disease that causes pustules throughout the body, which was called 'pox' in the olden days. It is extremely infectious to humans and has an average case fatality rate of 20 to 50%. It is a troublesome disease in various respects, as it is expensive and leaves a pustule even after it is completely cured. Although there are records that smallpox has been rampant on humankind since BC, the establishment of a treatment method using vaccination has made it the first and only eradicated infectious disease in human history.

By Wellcome Images
In this case, a bottle of smallpox that should have disappeared from the world was found in the refrigerator of the laboratory for some reason. The discoverer's laboratory technician wore gloves and a face mask at the time of discovery, and there was no evidence that someone had handled the vial in question, but he immediately notified the authorities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has worked with law enforcement agencies to secure the vial in question.
And as a result of a close examination by the CDC on November 18, it was not the smallpox virus that was in the vial in question, but the ' vaccinia virus ' that belongs to the same genus as the smallpox virus and is used to make the smallpox vaccine. It became clear that.
'There was no evidence that the smallpox virus was in the vial in question,' the CDC said in a statement. We work closely with state and local health authorities, law enforcement agencies, and the World Health Organization on these test results. We are in contact with you. '
For smallpox, WHO declared 'World Eradication' in May 1980, and there are only two laboratories in the world that have been recognized by WHO as storage locations for smallpox virus.
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